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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. indeed they have gotten a lot more complicated...so complicated that Nielsen Ratings aren't enough given the many different ways people can watch shows now....Nielsen Ratings are far more outdated https://variety.com/2021/tv/news/nbcuniversal-nielsen-measurement-tv-advertising-1235046711/
  2. I Know many people probably didn't like the fact this was a filler episode that only exists to promote the third movie and since the third movie won't be out in english until October I Wonder how many people will still remember this filler episode by then
  3. it's simple curiosity it's nothing to do with using the information it's about the knowledge itself
  4. because unlike the majority of the block Fena Pirate Princess is something adultswim's banking on to become a Success(since it's a joint CR/AS Original project)and moving forward originals will be the trump card to prop them up against streaming services they cannot hope to outbid for popular shows it doesn't matter how well anything else does on the block if the originals aren't a success Acquired Shows come and go(As Seen with The Jojo Part 6 Situation)where as Originals they have some kind of actual stake in them
  5. and yet people will keep discussing the nielsen ratings because it's the only stats publicly available to viewers so it's all we can use to try and gauge a tv show's success because the network isn't gonna give us the details themselves
  6. doesn't that seem like a problem though? that the only ratings we know about are the ones that don't matter while the ones that do are private we don't know how well Fena Pirate Princess Truly Did in it's first two weeks we only know what nielsen ratings tell us and as you said they don't care about those looking at them is meaningless so how are we as viewers suppose to feel when our contributions to the block are a vague mystery and everything is left up to fan theories
  7. nah but i guess it just disappoints me knowing that all my years of watching the current toonami block have amounted to nothing for the block itself due to how tv ratings are gauged....
  8. too many people tuning out after the first show and even using the outdated nielsen ratings system i never understood that no matter what it is....most people don't stick around past the lead show and never return
  9. i don't think it'll interfere with toonami....we likely would have heard so by now if it was
  10. Toonami is Only Behind by two episodes now
  11. Funimation won't be uploading a new dub episode tomorrow(the dub will resume 8/27)
  12. It's Filler Time Tomorrow Night At 12:30 AM Eastern/11:30 PM Central with the return Of Sirius And Selkie
  13. I Can't really say outside the obvious because to me mainstream means The Average American has a good chance of encountering the series somehow someway and hearing about it because of that i don't really know what to say about demon slayer since I Don't wanna make any assumptions by claiming the average american has heard of demon slayer and would be familiar with it when i don't know that for sure
  14. i ask because I see too many people online just thinking because something's popular that means it's automatically mainstream(For example Jujutsu Kaisen Or Demon slayer) Do You Agree or Disagree? and regardless what anime do you think would qualify as Mainstream?
  15. i think many people tend to forget there are all kinds of superheroes so it's not like we're gonna be seeing the same thing over and over again....some are sci-fi some are horror and others are just basic street level heroes
  16. just seems strange that they'd be the first fast food place to make A Full On Anime Themed Commercial in the united states is taco bell popular with anime fans or something?
  17. my question is why was it taco bell not mcdonalds or burger king or even wendy's? nope it was taco bell..
  18. so in other words Toonami Can't really do anything about it then because even the originals will debut at the exact same time on crunchyroll(subtitled)giving them no incentive to watch it on toonami and aside from that toonami doesn't have the money to get the most exciting anime content to air exclusively on toonami so i guess i have to face facts that toonami is doing the best they possibly can right now and ever will be able to given how things are the anime that would make toonami popular again realistically cannot air on toonami
  19. it just sucks that the best performances from The toonami block lately have been corporate sponsored events that are less about the block and more about using it to promote something so what kind of anime would appeal to the average american? because i often get the sense that a lot of toonami content seems too foreign and weird to the typical american viewer
  20. hey if that's what you wanna screencap go ahead....seems like a waste of time though but hey this message board is mostly for shit posting so i don't exactly expect the best decisions to be made on here
  21. Hey I'm not complaining anymore I'm in a far better situation (btw doordash doesn't really deliver groceries around me...the best they can do is deliver from CVS Or a gas station)so You'll never hear me talk about lack of money ever again
  22. honestly why do you even care that they are using doordash? if someone's willing to pay to use the service and someone's willing to deliver then what's the problem? you seem to forget most Technological advancements exist to make life easier....it's not about working harder to make things harder it's about working to make things much easier in turn that might result in some laziness but that's the point.....An Easier Life like going from walking on foot to eventually cars even the internet we currently use has made life much easier....we can order stuff at the tip of our fingers without leaving the confines of our humble abode
  23. well we are still in a pandemic.....that's the reason why a lot of those delivery app's saw a major boost in usage last year it's nothing to do with being lazy it's everything to do with wanting to avoid people spreading the virus around all while acting like it's just a hoax
  24. makes me wonder why more people just come out of the woodworks for DC Content then never return for anything else an argument came up on this topic that maybe it's because those are special events out of the ordinary and they wouldn't do so well if they became a normal part of toonami but would that really be the case? it seems more and more likely that DC Content is just more appealing to the viewer than any anime toonami can muster now(Even The AS/CR original fena pirate princess)
  25. i feel if they stuck to one episode then we wouldn't have gotten anywhere with just the first episode
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