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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. Yeah i saw that...apparently Alice's VA Also thought the regular schedule was tonight and had to delete a tweet about it when someone informed her that nope it's batman movies tonight kind of weird they didn't see anything about it until now
  2. Some could say Beware The Batman was outside toonami's control and only failed because cartoon network was losing faith in action cartoons eh maybe DC Content would be best as special events if it's on all the time then it becomes less of a treat and it's not so special anymore
  3. i guess as much as i hate to admit it...Toonami probably does need less anime and more DC Content to stay afloat the average american couldn't give a damn about whatever anime Toonami scoops up(be it obscure or super popular) but mention batman and they will be drawn to the block like a moth to a flame
  4. also if i recall batman ninja had kind of a meh reception....Batman Under the red hood is good but batman Ninja is more like something to shit-post about than an enjoyable movie
  5. I Just Hope Whatever they have planned for November is Amazing because Blade Runner by itself is a bit too obscure to be the only notable show for that month although nobody can really come up with much else...theory wise except for perhaps the second half of Assassination Classroom
  6. Yes But three weeks is enough time to break a person's viewing habit if they simply aren't interested in that.....things change and with streaming services there's always the option to leave toonami behind completely if someone isn't patient enough they can just stream those shows and say "To Hell with waiting a month for this" its not like in the old days where if something like this happened You'd have to suck it up and wait for the regular block to return all it takes is for someone's impatience to become too much to handle resulting in them jumping on board streaming and suddenly toonami becomes irrelevant to them
  7. it's a nice treat if someone likes batman but if not then It's hard to get someone to give a damn about two weeks of Batman movies they wouldn't care about no matter if they were on tv or a streaming service
  8. doesn't change the fact that things can change and just because they said they'd get around to airing AC S2 doesn't mean they are guaranteed to air it we have no idea what the plans for november are they could be amazing or mediocre
  9. I'm fine with that as long as the schedule isn't thrown into too much chaos over it.... this time though is different I'm guessing so many shows ending so close together caused the toonami crew to frantically try and pierce together a plan that's the only explanation that makes sense for putting the regular block on pause for a month....can't imagine they are having this much difficulty grabbing shows to fill those spots
  10. they also did say Boruto would return...before it didn't so what they say isn't always accurate
  11. i think it's farfetched to believe it's a test...i know you want DC Content to be on every week but that's just not gonna happen people need to accept the fact that this isn't the same toonami where you had a mixture of American Cartoons and Anime It's Become An Anime Block and the only time when that isn't the case is when WB Needs toonami to advertise something aside from those moments it's an anime focused block as such trying to make changes that ignore what the block's become is more than a little silly The DC Fans Couldn't care less about what else toonami has to offer...once that dc content is gone so are they even if the DC Content was there weekly...They'd be Avoiding The Anime and that's a majority of what toonami will pick up like it or not
  12. Toonami Isn't exactly a hot market to put content on when streaming services exist and it's time slot wouldn't seem like a good investment to most companies also Warnermedia Owns Adultswim so that's another reason why we always get this stuff being promoted on toonami if WB has something they need to advertise then they'll dump off some stuff for toonami to air and tell them to do it
  13. Assassination Class Room S2 while expected would be very underwhelming after the long pause
  14. I Hope we have some amazing announcements in november to make this long pause for the block worth it because that long of a wait...you got people wondering what is it...what's coming in november aside from blade runner? the mystery and speculation begins will it be something unexpected or expected...something minor or something major
  15. if it was just two weeks I'd be fine with that but three weeks is overkill it screws with my saturday night routine
  16. the block going on vacation for three weeks shouldn't be seen as a good thing and as for those extra high ratings...once the dc content is gone those viewers that flock towards the dc content vanish so i don't see how this helps toonami at all when it doesn't get anyone into watching the block regularly it gets them to watch it only when WB Wants toonami to promote something with a dc comics event if it doesn't bother you then that's cool i understand some people find the current toonami lineup boring and worthless so it being gone for three weeks doesn't affect them at all but i actually enjoy most of what toonami's been airing so excuse me for being irritated at this news
  17. yes because this week it's Fena followed by batman ninja and batman under the red hood then the week after that is batman the long halloween parts 1 and 2 then the week after that is a fena pirate princess marathon
  18. if they don't have amazing plans for November then I'll be very disappointed you don't just pause the block for three weeks only to have nothing interesting to announce
  19. Good For You...Me On The Other Hand I'll Just Pretend Toonami's on vacation until November 6th I Like Batman but that doesn't mean I want the block to be dominated by it for 2 weeks followed by a marathon that marathon makes me focus on the batman movie nights even more....and not in a good way
  20. WB Mandated Toonami though if it wasn't for DC Fandome we wouldn't be getting those no incentive for WB to give any DC Content to toonami unless it's to hype up hbo max or dc fandome I'm not exactly a fan of toonami being turned into a gigantic advertisement bugging me to get HBO Max or tune into DC Fandome....long after it's already over(WB didn't exactly schedule this properly...)
  21. yeah we did and even before then....few were thinking a halloween marathon as even before week 2 of fandome this made no sense it would be 10/16: batman movie night 10/23: regular lineup 10:30 Marathon the block would return for 1 week and go on break again....with A DC Fandome event happening this month i thought a halloween marathon wouldn't happen as it would make the hiatus on the regular lineup longer than it has ever been and logically make no sense unless toonami's just trying to stall for whatever new shows they are wanting to add to the block halloween isn't christmas nobody gets the day off for halloween and nobody goes traveling in droves to a family get together like they would for that or thanksgiving
  22. it wasn't expected....because after the announcement of The DC Fandome Batman Stuff nobody was thinking ah yeah there's probably a halloween marathon because normally you don't have three breaks to the regular lineup one right after another this is the first time the regular lineup will be on break for an entire month....I'd be surprised if anyone was expecting the regular lineup to be gone that long
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