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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. yeah and as such i had no issues binge watching it back then....but now i regret it when i already know how things play out and how bad the pacing gets i have no desire to go through it again
  2. i regret binge watching this years ago because now I'm just left with an hour of toonami content i couldn't be bothered to watch not only because it's very old to me but because I'm well aware of this story arc's crap pacing but how was i suppose to know one day this would return?...maybe i should have
  3. gonna take awhile to get used to Lupin being the third show on the block(second tonight)
  4. thing about bleach's return is would enough people(Nielsen viewership wise...anyways)tune into it to make toonami saving up funds just to throw it at that worth it?
  5. it's not available yet it will be released on june 24th
  6. Yeah That will be the real test as we don't know how many companies think like toei and would jump at the chance to be featured on american television....
  7. I'm not sure how likely bleach is considering we're in that spot where toonami can't exactly outbid anyone for what they want if someone else shows interest in bleach chances are they'll get it....as for MHA how many Japanese Producers would jump at the chance to have a show on toonami? I'm only aware of Toei's feelings about Cable TV In The United states(Possibly TMS Too since I've heard once or twice that they had been eager to push lupin to be more popular in america)
  8. not demarco's fault it's either nobody wants to work with toonami anymore or The WM/Discovery Merger has resulted in an even smaller budget for toonami that second one would explain why demarco has not tried to reassure people about the new schedule and has instead pretended like it wasn't even announced now would be the perfect time to calm fans down but instead he merely talked about the conclusion of shenmue the animation and that's it....
  9. I'm not saying they should blow through them but if the budget is struggling not to run out by may then I Gotta ask how much have they already spent this year? They Shouldn't be that low on funds already
  10. i could understand them having some problems late in the year but it's may and if they are already struggling with the budget then that's depressing nobody wants a repeat of what happened last year
  11. WCW Never aired on cartoon network so I'm not sure why anyone thinks AEW Would air on toonami realistically there's only a couple explanations for this schedule 1.using primal S1 to lead into S2 2.they are trying to work out a deal for some crunchyroll content and negotiations are taking longer than they expected and Primal S1 is only being used to stall until the deal is finalized 3.same case as above but with sentai content(although I doubt that would be as much trouble acquiring as Anything they'd have to talk to sony about) I Have a hard time believing they weren't even trying to get anything and they have nothing at all to give us right now....so sony being stubborn hardasses and making contract agreements a pain in the ass seems likely
  12. i don't know why anyone here keeps mentioning AEW like it's something that could be added to toonami in the united states.... it's not....
  13. people might say people won't believe demarco if he says anything about this on twitter however i don't think staying quiet is much better since leading the block with a rerun is never a good idea and two shows concluding with no replacements is sure to leave a sour taste in many fans mouths the current stuff going on as a result of the merger with discovery adds to fan curiosity and i think it's best to de-spell such thoughts rather than let them spread
  14. it's sad that the correct answer to this was....Nothing New and Primal S1 Reruns which means everyone who took a guess was wrong
  15. I really hope it doesn't come to that because then it just screams "2008 Toonami" and i think saturdays are better reserved for toonami than just another night for adultswim comedies since most of those don't have enough episodes to air consistently and it would get just as stale as them airing rick and morty all the time i like seeing the community react to episodes and talk about them....if it went down to just an hour of one piece a classic rerun and some original series then i don't think it'll be the same
  16. Yeah I Can't really see how they can treat this as positive news....as you said this line up looks like crap and leading off with a rerun is never a good idea they really need to damage control this announcement and quick because telling everyone "Guess what no new shows and the leader of the block is a rerun" does not inspire confidence
  17. yeah it's true i think i recall a tweet where he confirmed it recently
  18. any ideas how they might approach anime for it moving forward? aside from originals that is...those are obvious but also few and far between
  19. yes i don't know that but with streaming being the future and many companies wanting to hoard everything for themselves another 10 years for toonami is more of a question mark than something that's a no brainer....same goes for many networks/blocks on cable tv so get it through your thick skull! I'm not eagerly awaiting toonami's downfall and drooling at the thought of it being no more so i can rub it in everyone's faces i simply realize that with the focus being shifted to several company's own streaming services and fewer people watching cable tv as time goes by that things will only get harder for toonami moving forward...not saying they can't last into the late 2020's or 2030's but the changing tv landscape isn't making it easy lastly 4 or 5 episodes per week would mean most of the block would be one piece and I don't see them doing that unless they have no other option
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