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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. who the hell is shooting off fireworks and partying 3 days before The 4th Of July? it's like having a marathon due to christmas....12 days before the actual holiday! it makes no sense does adult swim not realize toonami is a late night insomniacs block?.....what do they expect people to be doing at 11:00 PM in the middle of the night on a saturday......3 days before Independence Day i have never seen anyone go out partying or going off to run errands that late on an average saturday night
  2. i agree but it seems like they must have made some deal with Genndy or something
  3. could you please stop harping on about gay characters in every single anime?
  4. my thoughts exactly....wasted too much time on this crap
  5. if it's not that big of a deal then why did you post in this topic? seemed to bother you that i made this
  6. uh did anyone else just see that OK KO Let's Be Heroes Cartoon Network Commercial? 0_o
  7. Rerun Every Saturday At 10:00(Central)And Two Episodes Back to Back On Sunday not to mention a week before the rerun session started they did a marathon on toonami so this is just overkill now....
  8. i just think genndy did the ending like this to troll fans....dude clearly is on sony's payroll now and wants to not be bothered for anything else
  9. after that ending...Season 5 was just a complete waste so why rerun it?....are they just admitting they got nothing else to show
  10. i wonder the same...It'd be nice to see toonami not toally dominated by Funimation Stuff
  11. Samurai Jack's Ending just made me not so eager to waste a night watching it all in one go.....so I'll just watch something else
  12. having an argument with someone who thinks the ending is perfect because it gives jack the ending he deserved "saving his people and returning to his family" but i think he's a broken man and one who'll never be the same people because all the people he saved never existed all his good deeds never happened so instead of being a hero for the world he's just a hero for his people....
  13. No We Can't Get Blue Exorcist S2 But We Can Get Tokyo Ghoul Edgelord supreme years after it's relevance has ended.... Reminds me of Durarara! and how we never got the future parts of that series
  14. i feel like marathons come at the worst times
  15. okay stop thinking every single anime in existence is a conspiracy against the gays...it's not
  16. i had to mute the show after awhile because all of the frantic yelling and screaming....
  17. that's like saying The Sith Are Gay People And The Jedi Are Republicans trying to bring balance to the force by eradicating the dark side of the force...that being gays could you stop trying to find a anti gay conspiracy in every anime?
  18. yeah....it's just like samurai jack after fans waited so long for more...get just 10 episodes and a crap ending I'm sorry but after all the hype and desire for more...you don't just half ass it and give fans a small plate and then do stupid crap with it like you said flashbacks in a season with just 12 episodes is stupid
  19. does this show even have a plot anymore?
  20. to me that ending reeked of genndy giving fans the middle finger because they begged for more Samurai Jack for so long and he just wants to do more hotel transylvania
  21. yeah because with AOT it just feels like an overdose on depressing material....you do not need two dark shows back to back that just makes a lot of people sad
  22. i cannot stomach much of this for long because i have to wonder....who wanted this crap on toonami to begin with? the only people into this are people who think A Show is Mature when it has lots of blood death and violence
  23. why is this show so edgy and depressing yet the opening seems the opposite of that.... The OP Theme doesn't suit the show....
  24. wow what was the point of this episode?....feels like i wasted 22 minutes for nothing
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