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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. okay enough with the depressing crap already! jesus...save some for tokyo ghoul
  2. okay why does everything with you have to revolve around "Anime is a conspiracy against gay people" is being gay the only thing about you that you think matters?
  3. this show and tokyo ghoul are the only shows on toonami right now that my mother just can't get into...mostly because she sees them as just depressing downer shows i guess that exist just to make you feel bad and one right after another is no good
  4. anyone else think it's stupid we get two shows back to back full of depressing horror? like does anyone actually find enjoyment in edgy hopeless anime's?
  5. marathons kill the momentum and shows like AOT S2 need all the momentum they can get
  6. man this ending just felt like Genndy Gave a middle fingers to the fans saying "There this is what you get for pestering me constantly to continue this crap! now can i please go back to making more Hotel Transylvania?"
  7. does cartoon network honestly think enough people will be watching for their new episodes on memorial day
  8. Nudity And Swearing is bad but hyper violence is good....I'll never understand this country
  9. Toonami Starts so late at night that no sane person would be doing any traveling and the Toonami faithful will watch regardless of what the date happens to be yet adult swim keeps thinking we all hop in the car and go on a big road trip this time of year.....you wanna know backwards things are? cartoon network is actually airing new content on memorial day!!! so if anyone should be scared of lower ratings it should be the people actually airing content on memorial day not the people airing stuff several days before the holiday and in the dead ass of the night
  10. why is it that he gets to babble on about nonsense but anyone tries to correct him and say that's irrelevant to the topic at hand and they are the bad guys? he acts like every single anime is about putting down gays and I'm sick of him spamming all the topics with his thoughts about why this character should be gay or how this character is probably gay
  11. okay knock it off alright? nobody wants to hear you piss and moan about gay anime characters all the time
  12. can you go one second without thinking about a shows treatment of gay characters
  13. Saw the preview for next week's DB Super and jesus! can Dragon ball just stop with the awkward time jumps...the next episode takes place six months after the previous one
  14. And Whatever replaces unicorn will be in the crap slot that is 1:00 AM....(for my time zone anyways)ugh i just don't have the motivation to care about most of these shows like ya said Super Kai And Jack Are all people can care to watch...the others are rather meh Tokyo Ghoul is just brainless garbo Hunter X Hunter Can be good but i feel like the shows stretching itself too thin with it bouncing between Leorio/Gon/Killua Episodes And The Karapika Episodes Gundam Unicorn is just....Space Politics that i can't even remember anymore Naruto is Naruto.... And Ghost In The Shell was brought back just to promote the shitty movie nobody liked
  15. anyone else feel like toonami is just lacking something?....i mean i don't really feel like I've been enjoying this lineup as much as i should
  16. is it too much to ask for stuff like "Shorts" and "Next Time!" teasers that are actually in there instead of cutting them so you can go straight to that mcdonalds commercial?
  17. why do you have to make every single post about "Gay Rights"? nothing about this anime is even remotely centered around Gay People get a grip
  18. ya know....i still don't care I'd rather be watching One Piece right now than this crap
  19. At Least Vampires Are Easier to co-exist with...sometimes in certain media they can eat human food and they don't need to devour people anyways but ghouls have to devour them they have to consume them all... yes some say oh but aside from the binge eatings they can eat one body and be fine for a month until the times up but even then...they are monsters it would be different if there was something that could be subbed for Human Flesh but there isn't the flaw is it has to be human flesh they consume or they die
  20. am i the only one who thinks ghouls in this world are monsters and nothing this show does can prove otherwise? i mean they have to devour people they cannot eat anything else or they get extremely sick....
  21. i don't get manga's that have to have characters that are neither gender they are just a thing
  22. is food all that matters to sasha? fatass sasha
  23. not having a vehicle and being in a rural town makes such things difficult meh I'll just grab it next time...if they have it next time I'm out grocery shopping for the family
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