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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. when i told her the reason she just kept looking for other things like licensing because in her mind ratings wouldn't do this when toonami's an insomniac block her feeling is that when your shows start this late rating's shouldn't be a factor since people have a hard enough time staying up to watch the entire block so why cut one piece and act like people just weren't interested in it when the case is they just wanted to get to sleep already not everyone can just stay up that late and having any expectations for ratings at all on such a late time is just stupid so she really feels like it's a case of licensing issues and them not paying to renew it rather than this false guise of ratings being too low
  2. i don't think toonami worried so much about ratings when they were on weekdays but now that they are really damn late at night on saturday's(only)is when the ratings become crucial doesn't make sense
  3. hard to enjoy toonami when you can barely keep yourself awake to watch the whole block it's easy enough to see stuff like family guy king of the hill the cleveland show or bob's burgers that stuff's everywhere now....so you don't need adult swim to watch it however anime is restricted to toonami on television(aside from kids anime like Yokai Watch Pokemon And Beyblade On Disney )and so the insomniac block is just your only option a option that ends with most of us feeling drained and exhausted.....watching anime shouldn't require you to drink loads of coffee just to get through the block
  4. yeah i agree....and she's pretty salty about this to the point where the ratings fiasco has her making claims that "The Midnight Crew is so damn small that to chop anything down due to ratings is laughable"
  5. my mother watched this with me every saturday night so it's gonna be difficult setting up a new routine for one piece now....
  6. if toonami is around years later...i can't really think of any other notable long runner that could go side by side with DBZ and already has such love from the toonami crew(so it's return wouldn't be so farfetched) Jojo is taking a break for sure and naruto's probably dead later this year...from being in One Piece's Crap Time Slot Hunter X Hunter is safe but since it'll end in a couple years...things could change DBZ Kai FC will need a replacement when it ends and i think they need a good one two shonen punch
  7. an episode all about brock not feeling like he belongs on the crew just makes everyone feel super salty in the end cause toonami viewers will never get to see him as a real part of the crew so while it's better than what we could have ended on...it's still a big fucking cock tease of a cliffhanger
  8. I'd be damned if i let this be the last i see of one piece....
  9. pretty damn lackluster way to leave us off...Brock Being Emo and mopey
  10. watch as naruto stinks up the ratings in a couple weeks....i doubt toonami will like that
  11. seems likely as I Doubt Naruto will do any better than One Piece in that time slot it's doomsday for any show really
  12. I'm just ticked off because sooner than later We're gonna be down to DB Super as our only long runner and that's gonna suck the others aren't protected or guaranteed to be super successful in the not too distant future....Jojo's pressumed to take a break once The Joseph Joestar Saga Ends Naruto is gonna be in the crap time slot that one piece was in....so expect it to meet the same fate and HXH will wrap up if toonami is still around in like 2 or 3 years....which is expecting a lot from a show
  13. Naruto is basically Gang Wars in anime form.... and everyone thinks they are better than the other gangs because "Screw You! Your different!" not really a good message to live by
  14. hopefully one piece returns...i think deep down inside it won't but it's already died twice before and come back to american television so no reason it won't return again...is a theory some fans seem to have and it does make sense at some point we'll lose HXH Jojo Or Naruto And We'll need A Long Runner to really keep that spot locked down Don't want the network becoming The DB Super Block hell maybe it'll return when DBZ Kai Wraps up....the return is more likely than i originally since there aren't a lot of popular modern long running animes and one piece is already beloved by many of the toonami crew so if there's some way for them to bring it back in the not too distant future i can see them taking it and doing whatever adjustments need to be made to ensure another failure won't happen
  15. I'd feel weird doing that after this incident
  16. i hate people who think one piece leaving toonami means it's failed with america and that it has no place in the united states.... just makes me wish there was more to Anime On Television than Toonami....a late night insomniac's block which doesn't seem to be a good indicator of success
  17. The Straw Hats do steal treasure yes but they don't exactly start trouble with people who don't deserve it Over In Naruto A Lot Of Fights And Battles are basically about RIval Ninja Clans duking it because they are rival ninja clans
  18. i guess but being forced to buy the sets or get Funimation Now! to continue watching isn't something most of us can afford to do
  19. at least there are heroes in one piece instead of slightly less evil douchebags on naruto which seems to be the case a lot of the time it's not a case of being salty about OP leaving toonami and naruto staying but a case of people fighting for stupid reasons and villains being villains for even dumber reasons
  20. i think it's bullshit the show gets pulled right as brook joins the crew....it's like the worst timing
  21. Superman is an alien.....yet he doesn't have some bullshit warrior's mentality of "I Want My Opponent at their very best so I'm Gonna Give them a fair shot in this fight" so to say Yeah Goku gets a pass because he's a space alien is total bullcrap
  22. maybe americans like naruto because they secretly envision themselves as an emo ninja who has no friends and wants to die
  23. and at least one piece had characters who weren't going to just give the villain a fair shot just because.... Looking at you goku... Goku is like the worst anime hero ever and yet he's the most popular anime hero...it's weird he jeopardizes his family and loved ones constantly because he wants to fight the villains at their best
  24. not really....i just cannot find any likable naruto characters most of them are just dicks at this point or idiots
  25. not really...when your a dick you soon realize you have far more enemies than friends and nobody i mean nobody is running to help someone who is a complete asshole but nooo the characters have their weak reasons for complete jerks that don't hold up that well most of the time
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