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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. yeah....i know they said it'll be back but that could be a year from now
  2. why bother getting hype about these episodes knowing it'll probably not be back on toonami for a very long time?
  3. and that's why i think it maybe time to just let it go Boruto is one big spoiler for it anyways and nobody's gonna complain about a show being booted off when We'll see that show's world in boruto
  4. and promoting it on twitter...with less than stellar comments attached to the tweet ooof
  5. if only it released earlier so it could bask in the spoopy season
  6. i started off where i left the demo...that way i don't have to go through the introduction sequence once more
  7. it truly is insane....i doubt anyone would really blame toonami if they just removed shipp considering that's a spot locked down for several more years and on a show that's really old news at this point
  8. yeah....and whose to say toonami will still be around at that point that's how long shipp has left in terms of episodes
  9. so i suppose Funimation Now will be the only place to See MHA S4 dubbed for a long while
  10. i have no idea why the schedule is getting so awkward now anyways...
  11. yeah if it was me I'd dump Shipp instead and keep boruto i mean honestly it will be several more years before shipp concludes it's toonami run and that's if toonami's still around by then it's also a lot older than boruto and so the dubbed episodes aren't really that new or exciting to see as opposed to boruto which is far more recent it doesn't make sense to kick that out and keep the one that most people probably leave on as background noise
  12. welp we now know MHA S4 isn't coming anytime soon with the Jojo Announcement and toonami sticking to DBS Reruns being the lead-in
  13. just when boruto was about to get good...this happens someone theorized that viz media has slowed down on dubbing episodes and that's why we're in this position
  14. are DBS Reruns really worth pushing another show out?
  15. all because of stupid nielsen boxes...the reason it gets such ratings is because the nielsen boxes go out to random people and DB is the most mainstream anime everything else....not likely a random person channel flipping would like them
  16. i can see them too stubborn to move it down or remove it just because its dragon ball
  17. so basically toonami thinks DBS is unstoppable and reruns are a good idea upfront
  18. marathons make saturday nights feel empty to me....there's nothing else and usually there's not much else to do when toonami comes on
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