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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by StarPanda

  1. A Gundam, or a spaceship that can let us explore further into space
  2. I could wait it's not like there are more fanfics out here
  3. It isn't even close to that, maybe in 2017 and 2018 it can get dark
  4. OK stop posting I won
  5. Did you steal MeXiologist name speaking of which is she even here.Oh and yes rank colors are great
  6. Fucking awesome dude
  7. It's an OK restaurant better stuff out there in would still eat there on a pinch
  8. Hey welcome don't t forget to take of your shoes the carpet is new
  9. Because you touch kidney at night
  10. Let's go I'll meet you there bring your lawn chairs and 6 pack of beer
  11. Trump wins
  12. Those two things were more important than Clinton or Trump Did you see Harambe got 11,000 votes so.close lol
  13. I think the only thing California is happy for is recreational marijuana lol, do you know if the the condom thing passed for porn haha
  14. Alright moving in party wooo
  15. We aren't gonna talk about 2016 it never happened,
  16. Because that's exactly what going to happen
  17. Yeach KN thanks for all your hard work, we appreciate it
  18. Can't wait I'll make some picks and see if I get them right
  19. Nothing much will change Maybe more pussy grabbing and more racial tensions but those will boil over
  20. Won't get built
  21. Pence should just assume all presidential duties, Trump just needs to be in public and continue to say male America grear again that's how Americanwill survive
  22. Alot of Republicans had to vote for Trump because he was the only buyable option they knew no one else was gonna get the nomination Cruz and Rubio had no steam whatsoever so they had to vote for Trump. The DNC thought giving Hillary the nomination would give them a win but America thought other wise she dint really connect with a lot of undicided voters
  23. It won't happen, America will learn from this mistake the DNC will make sure a hood candidate is selected this time and the Republican's will do the same
  24. Recreational marijuana passed in California people needed asap with these election results
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