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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by StarPanda

  1. Will you be here tomorrow as well
  2. Shit I just realized it I'm spreading the word
  3. I guess I'll patiently wait
  4. Yeah I know what you mean don't worry one day when you find a girl im sure she will give you a complaint
  5. I was like halfway through chapter one when we moved
  6. Shit you're right
  7. I see interesting
  8. Dam dude you got some soft ass hands you need real man hands a strong grip chicks love it when you grip them hard
  9. Yeah we will all soon drop there
  10. Especially when you have 16
  11. We will all go down soon
  12. Why you so negative bro
  13. StarPanda


    It's OK it's different now this time we won't let them have their way
  14. I voted for Obama
  15. No its bears that were
  16. We bare bears
  17. Today you average 100
  18. So we round to the nearest tenth
  19. It will go down as the days pass
  20. Yeah it's taking it like that since you are registered today it will change as the days go by
  21. Times have changed Lol nice avatar your dog looks like he dint want no part of that pic
  22. Accoring to the boards I average 338.800 post :o
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