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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by StarPanda

  1. Happy Birthday hope you had a good one
  2. What we are back to new episodes for Steven U I guess I will have to check it out
  3. Times have changed buddy
  4. I don't I just have tissues
  5. Go out and get a girlfriend you weirdo or just stay home and Internet/games/sleep
  6. What show was it? Was it yuri on ice lol
  7. I read like the first 4 and than i lost interest trailer looks good
  8. youre not my dad
  9. go right ahead we will stay for a little while longer
  10. Looked good even after the first trailer a few things tho the tone shifts have me a bit worried and they showed a bit too much but other than that ill be seeing this
  11. last person to post wins
  12. sorry i dint mean to interrupt
  13. luckyyyy it barely hit like 70 here
  14. ill bring my ebt card and we can go crazy
  15. ill bring some more over
  16. merry Christmas
  17. true but i have if there is a chance that i can catch one of my favorite movies on the big screen ill take it
  18. do it ill have to make time if i work those days
  19. right here i was having issues mainly in free for all everything else clicks and runs smoothly
  20. Week 11 Thu Nov 17 8:25 pm New Orleans Saints Carolina Panthers Sun Nov 20 1:00 pm Arizona Cardinals Minnesota Vikings 1:00 pm Baltimore Ravens Dallas Cowboys 1:00 pm Buffalo Bills Cincinnati Bengals 1:00 pm Chicago Bears New York Giants 1:00 pm Jacksonville Jaguars Detroit Lions 1:00 pm Pittsburgh Steelers Cleveland Browns 1:00 pm Tampa Bay Buccaneers Kansas City Chiefs 1:00 pm Tennessee Titans Indianapolis Colts 4:05 pm Miami Dolphins Los Angeles Rams 4:25 pm New England Patriots San Francisco 49ers 4:25 pm Philadelphia Eagles Seattle Seahawks 8:30 pm Green Bay Packers Washington Redskins Mon Nov 21 8:30 pm Houston Texans Oakland Raiders
  21. Ill add the results by the weekend i got this guys
  22. that one is my 5th favorite
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