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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by StarPanda

  1. Sushi is great
  2. What's KY?
  3. Dope make the best of those 2 weeks Unexpected adventures are sometimes the best
  4. It went down kicking it had that fighting spirit Make sure you enjoy it give the eating it deserves
  5. I don't know what's near you but living close to LA and sort of close to San diego gives me some great Escape options Got to the beach
  6. Oh you
  7. He'll yeah dude we can be the trumpeters we would get all the ladies
  8. Dam I'm glad i don't live far from my family, if they were that far I would just say my car wouldn't make it
  9. Build a wall of toast around me
  10. Lol got em
  11. No u
  12. Ouch got emmm, I'm sowwy
  13. -ET Ha got emmmm
  14. StarPanda

    I'm back!

    Only if I can like you back ○_●
  15. Don't go Ghostrek on us
  16. StarPanda

    I'm back!

    I'm front This is like our third layout on these boards it's cool
  17. How is day 2 going?
  18. We should send Nutella
  19. 2 more days until 2 more days
  20. Stop sign
  21. I saw a promo that they were gonna air a new episode But I missed it, got the name of the episode?
  22. Well it was nice of them adressing these issues we face It was really funny when the gems showed up with the wedding cake and the tombstone. The world isn't puppies and flowers
  23. So is that a maybe
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