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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by StarPanda

  1. good choice
  2. too kawaii for life
  3. F
  4. dam that sucks get well drink that vitamin c
  5. idk man idk
  6. no i have not, sounds interesting
  7. fine than i hate you too i will certainly be keeping in touch and text you everyday
  8. pumkin pie is pretty shit i dont understand whats so good about it
  9. sounds like a plan ill be over Saturday
  10. this is why punctuation is important kids, use your commas
  11. you have never heard stacys mom, wow i cant even :'(
  12. sorry dude she has a lot of content hard to keep up with all that shizz
  13. grimes is cool salem is a bit different but they have some great sound listen to redlights and that will tell you if you will like them or not
  14. i think it was just that small clip she used for that video , the original video inst all tits also i dont know what its called
  15. dude nostalgia boner
  16. this was a gem as well
  17. dude you just blew my mind
  18. what if this is all a dream and you are already asleep
  19. You like Grimes or Salem that reminds me of them for some reason
  20. yeah thats how you know you need to got to sleep
  21. add me if you want @ThePandasFriend
  22. awesome thanx dude
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