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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by StarPanda

  1. Dan yammato is an earth bender
  2. He recorded that battle in 1080p
  3. This time for sure we will find my lovely sasuke
  4. My sharingan is better than your sharingan
  5. Star Trek Beyond 8.5/10 Great movie great moments of action better than the 2nd start trek movie for sure
  6. Jason Bourne 7/10 Started out good than got a little flat but had a good ending act still the first3 Bourne movies are the best Sausage Party 8/10 Solid comedy had some good laughs definitely worth a watch
  7. Yo the movie got slammed by critics
  8. The suck
  9. Pain is pleasure
  10. I saw this a while ago the animation is superb and song is cool makes for a nice video
  11. ?????????????????????????????
  12. Gotta go gotta go set sail for one piece Episode 373 discussion "The End of the Battle Is Nigh! Pound in the Finishing Move" (決着迫る! たたき込め, とどめの一撃)
  13. Shippuden 139 Discussion "The Mystery of Tobi"(トビの謎)
  14. HxH Episode 32 Discussion "A × Surprising × Win ドッキリ×ナ×ショウリ)
  15. 1. The Life of Pablo 2. 4 Your Eyes Only 3.Awaken, My Love
  16. StarPanda

    Animal Crossing

    Make sure they look both ways before crossing
  17. Dogs rule Cats drool
  18. To Inuyasha
  19. Said no one ever
  20. So far I've only met 1 and that was ProudTelevisonAddict, even if it was for a very short period of time it was nice seeing her. One day I'll meet you Rouge one day
  21. FXM airs everything
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