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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by StarPanda

  1. i only caught like 20 of episodes it was nice seeing the old old ones
  2. I regret not sleeping early
  3. sailor moon
  4. wasnt it bbq-something
  5. well yeah milking DBZ for all its worth but hey it brings in the ratings and you know what i love it double dbz ftw
  6. if it dies it dies
  7. My IRA is still holding strong its got great funds
  8. dont worry one day it will be able to pierce the heavens
  9. you should man especially if you haven't seen it in along time
  10. i kind of dint like that they got old, to end it like that i was not satisfied saddest wedding ever, i really wanted Simon and Yoko to end together
  11. i knew that, yeah emoticons kind of died for me with the newer as boards
  12. i think the movie was like a recap of the show with some new scenes idk i know they had some Yoko bonus episodes
  13. ah that sucks im sure someone has it all
  14. the dam cat ahhh good times
  15. Finding Dory 8/10 It was a good movie, well made had its moments Pixar dint disappoint, I still think Finding Nemo is still better but this movie had its own charm.
  16. i forgot you saved those from the old boards
  17. was re watching a few episodes today, haven't seen it since the Toonami run man what a show
  18. who had the bright idea to put the Jets on MNF?
  19. Believe in the me that believes in you guys
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