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Age of S'jet

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Everything posted by Age of S'jet

  1. 1440 on sushi. YIKES. WORTH EVERY PENNY
  2. LMAO
  3. Nutting inside
  4. I'm going to a sex dungeon.
  5. Can die happy now. RIP seppuku time.
  6. Did u see his fb profile pic?
  7. Lol this thread.
  8. YES. LOL. The three girls that were with us walked in from outside while my friend is telling me to chill and let it go, while im screaming at him saying shit like dude knows he pushes it to far if he keeps it up imma tell him to put his hands up.face beat red, veins popping out and they all look at me like hoooooly shit angry jeff.
  10. I see you're trying to be civil. Let me fill you in on a little bit of what made me make this post. Main group of friends, one of the dudes is a total douche bag. We bust eachothers balls all day but he takes it too far, especially with me somtimes. Drinking in jersey the other weekend when I managed to get them to all come out to my buddys house. He starts his bullshit right away with me when they get there and I told him I'm not gonna deal with it all night. First time he's meeting my girl too, so fast forward a few hours later and we're all at the bar up the street. Like, 20 of us pour into this bar. He keeps it up, and at one point I'm reaaaally drunk - so I see him being loud and obnoxious as usual - so idk why but I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder and started to say like yo dude we need to chill with this bs - he cut me off and told me to take my hand off his shoulder, at which point i told him why the fuck even come if you're gonna be a piece of shit and put my hand in his face and told him to fuck off. APPARENTLY I put my hand directly into his face and mushed it. GOOD. Fucker has had it coming. Fast foward 15 minutes and I go back over and I heard him talking shit again, so i got in his face and told him were fucking 30 years old stop acting like were in highschool, and he told me he was gonna spit if my face if i didnt get away from him, at which point i lost my shit and told him to fucking do it over and over for 15 seconds and he just sat there like a little pussy. Mean while our boys didn't do anything to stop this shit, except for one person. /end rant. If this fat fucking wigger starts with me again I'm telling him to put his hands up. Dude is the literal worst. MFer sells drugs and didnt tell his wife for 5 years what he does and somehow she's still with his fat obese ass after she found out. Fucking lunatics.
  11. I've been playing this video game together with my girl and we've been hanging out with people less and less. Then this weekend I'm not going out with my normal crew because I almost fought one of them on last sat. But, yea I could say the negativity in my life is certainly the group of friends I'm around the most. Not all of them are negative but a few of them seem like they're just taking what they can get socially, and I have other friends who'd love to hang out but won't come by when I'm with those others. I've come to terms that I need weekend social interaction, it's just the person I am - so this weekend me and the boo are gonna inv some people over we haven't seen in awhile and chill.
  12. https://bit.ly/2Ss4Kha
  13. He has a encyclopedia dramatica article on him
  14. August. Gotta wait till then.
  15. I already cut the most toxic person to me out of my life. I've done this before and can do it again. I have thought about a reset. I have had multiple groups of friends over the years that I'm all still In contact with, and go out of my way to see bi-monthly. Getting a new group of regular friends is easy for me, but getting tiresome.
  16. Also that therapist logic makes no sense. Let's give degrees out to people and let them make bucko bucks for diagnosing the part of the human body we know the least about..makes sense.
  17. I am holding off a few things that are pretty important,
  18. I don't have the issues you're thinking of. I just can't stand douche baggery on the iinternet, especially from a group of people that has known each other forever. That's it. I am entirely a different person IRL. Thanks for attempting to inject that misconception immediately into my thread tho. I am used to being in the background at work, and having to manage people with small amounts of pay and hear their complaints and be able to do nothing about it is terrible, and it's not like I can exactly share my paycheck which is only double of theirs with them.
  19. I don't have many pressing issues in my life right, but I had some conversations with a friend the other night and came to the conclusions I'm massively depressed. Every weekend is the same. Meet up with the same group of people and then meet up with our other groups. Go to the same two bars and grab food at the same place. My life has become very habitual and so have the friends closest to me. It's all smiles and laughs on the outside, but it just doesn't feel like its real. The moment some drama happens or someone voices an opinion of something negative, its like everyone else immediately feels the same way and the mood just changes for hours. Me, friends, gf, all same way. Maybe it's the winter, maybe its philly, maybe its just the world sucking ass. I dunno. I certainly am not gonna talk to some stranger who get paid at the end of the day to listen to me. Don't even get me started on work. Work is pure evil. No one is your ally at a job, unless you start hanging out with them outside of work. No one gives a fuck about you on this world.
  20. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23722 I converted my Bleach mod to Skyrim SE finally and am a couple downloads from being able to cash out my first 100 bucks. *Shrug* Download if you want. If theres interest in a console version I'll port it.
  21. It super windy here.
  22. How many times now have you envisioned failing at getting it all into your mouth and sucking me dry? Prob every time you go to share it and look at the photo.
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