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Age of S'jet

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Everything posted by Age of S'jet

  1. Yea fuck your shit
  2. I don't think you understand this man has a mental disorder that prohibits him from leaving his house and normally interacting with people. Now I'm not against advocating supportive needs for the mentally disabled, but I'm pretty sure the manchild literally mooches off of his parents and has never worked a day in his life. However there might be a chance he does, and I do believe he's a janitor in the public school system, if he does.
  3. I hope someone leaks all your personal information.
  4. New article as of 44 mins ago https://io9.gizmodo.com/one-of-anime-s-biggest-voices-accused-of-sexual-harassm-1832390505?utm_medium=socialflow&utm_source=io9_facebook&utm_campaign=socialflow_io9_facebook&fbclid=IwAR2TBLqTf4a17nG9RycOdV6qMuN4f9SuqbMeMjFGP7Zfc0FN2s7OpeD5m38
  5. go on zeni's yt channel i posted a link to the forum on here and told them to have at him 2 people registered come on i barely post as is as if i have time to make alts and simultaneously post
  7. That I am not denying.
  8. No? I only spottily.
  9. wait me and nabs r the same person?
  10. Zeni's main issue is he doesn't respect women. He views them as an object. And it's that ideology which keeps him on here, unable to make friends or hold real relationships with people, because he probably can't go 5 seconds in real life without spewing some misogynistic trash, around men and or women. Even if this is all an act on here, you must think that way deep down to speak the way he does. Perpetual, forever alone, virgin.
  11. oh yea and royal farms is shit their jalapeƱos didnt even make my butthole burn today
  12. ill try not to
  13. i really dont remember this thread last night i was super drunk and high um nabs i have no words for you lmfaooo
  14. stop fucking with me
  15. im getting 40 an 8th in philly 35 sometimes stuff tha falls of the trucks headed for dispensaries.
  16. stop it what state r u in
  17. my public statment is ur trolling and ur getting fucked in the ass
  18. im about to dm u
  19. Ditchweed? I googled that rn. Uhm so like wild weed? how did u get that?????????????
  20. ... uhm i dunno if we have them around here i dont think so @Rogue Alphonsehalp
  21. watchu smokin and how u smoking it nabs
  22. ok so royal farms actually has more customization available for your custom orders. at least i think so i ordered a hoagie and custom ordrered everything on it and they def had more toppings than wawa it tasted good it was fresh but like idk wawa taste better i think im drunk rn lemmie collect on this tm
  23. my girl wanted food i was like lets go to wawa she was like but royal farms is right there i was like ugh ok i ordered a hoagie and now imma eat it and get high and let yall kno how it was
  24. I'm not saying I'm not, but you are too.
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