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Age of S'jet

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Everything posted by Age of S'jet

  1. Dumb. Aren't you supposed to be intelligent or something? If you owe him a beer for that you must be terrible with your money.
  2. i knoooooooooooooooooooooooow you aint talking
  3. I'm VIper you idiot.
  4. Fuggs why the fuck do you post. Even the fucking Admin joins in on giving you shit. I mean I was a fucking cum rag of a pain in the ass on here and even I can still get people to respond to me without entering a fight after my tantrums.
  5. God fucking damnit. I wanted to post this.
  6. Why can't you post like this more often?
  7. Shows you how little you know about the NFL. That was a terrible game and I wouldn't be surprised if some long term patriot fans aren't even satisfied with that victory. Hell I'm sure even Brady wanted a funner game than that.
  8. I'm dropping the typical Eagles fan persona here for a moment (Yes it's possible we can do this and yes, we are fully aware of how extra we are) - I like baseball. Let me start by saying that. But, is baseball boring to watch IMO? Yes. IN my opinion it is. It has it's moments tho, and I think that's why a lot of people enjoy the sport. Moving on from that then - but don't forget that factoid above, this fucking super bowl that we just watched was worse than any extra inning 0-0 MLB game in the history of ever. Now I see some articles online already saying this. CNN even said it's the most boring Super Bowl of all time. Let's face it though - it wasn't the worst. There apparently have been worse. The problem though was that people are even able to try and call it the worst super bowl ever. IT was THAT fucking boring. It should have been an offensive slugfest. The only thing I could have thought about was the fact any other team up against the Pats, OR even any other team against the Rams would have been hellava more entertaining to watch than that. Like seriously, what the fuck, the majority of that game was 0 to fucking 0 and 3 to fucking 3 or whatever. Anyway I'm done my rant. I just can't get over last year...how fucking awesome that game was, and then sitting down last night and watching that drivel.
  9. If you really do. Give it to me.
  10. Besides me. Go see a psychiatrist, all of you.
  11. Everyone in this thread is a fucking dork.
  12. Come on. Someone fess up and admit zeni is a comedic persona. Well, either way whoever is behind the keyboard of this "joke", I hope they die soon of cancer.
  13. You're a blog thread.
  14. Cool. My friend and his band are doing the music. They're pretty well known in the Philly area.
  15. Just voice actors. Reading off a script for dialogue in the game and Injury sounds, death sounds, etc. And thanks. My goal is 50 or more.
  16. I thought you were. I'm getting a list together of people who can help, voice acting is about 6 months out tbh, maybe more, but I need a list of people who can help atm.
  17. Shit. the fucking game name is in there. Oh well.
  18. I'm not sure. Upload an audio file of you speaking and I can tell you. Anyway, I'm working on a game in the Unreal 4 Engine. My focal point of the game will be releasing a full 13 song album - linked with the number of bosses in the game. I'm approaching this with an appreciation for sound and music, and unique voice acting instead of using 8 people to do 60 characters voices.
  19. did you buy that cheap acoustic foam off of wish? lmao
  20. Just an FYI, speaking to me like this won't warrant my normal reactions .You can either contribute or I'll just ignore you.
  21. you have NO actual pop filter lmfao if anything you have a pop problem *badumtis*
  22. lol 100
  23. with a pop filter or any similar setup? You must be able to produce extremely clear audio files. I'm paying people to do voice acting work for a project and I am reaching out to as many possible outlets as I can.
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