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Age of S'jet

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Everything posted by Age of S'jet

  1. no surprise there
  2. lot of my friends are in em they seem to be doing fine
  3. closest thing he's ever touched to real tits
  4. oooooooooooooooooooooooo
  5. I'm about to work somewhere else, much greater pay, full medical, pension, etc. But it's my first time dealing with a union. I start tomorrow, anything to worry about or know ahead of time?
  6. my best advice is to stop procrastinating and do it i had someone who we called eachother our best friends for awhile but it was clearly toxic - why? noyb either way everything going better for me and it can for you too.
  7. also i read this as zenigundam is doing something different with his mouth
  8. i think your first problem is having friends that fall for stuff like that but that's none of my buisness
  9. zeni post a topless pic i wanna see them man titties.
  10. I know a breast cancer survivor who does sport removable boobs I don't now how, and have never asked how they work or anything, that would be disrespectful and its none of my buisness all i know is she showed me once and was like here look *slip* -flat chested - boom, and i was like oh shit
  11. just an fyi 95% chance of you shitting yourself while giving birth don't have kids people or you'll poop the bed.
  12. my life is a rollercoaster
  13. did it with yt already, theres like 5 people floating around here from there
  14. how do u manage to get bedbugs when you dont leave your house
  15. Fuck a butthole hard enough it rips and merges with the vag.
  16. If he just stopped talking and typing all together....
  17. if i partook in this, you would cum in a piece of paper, envelope it, and send it to me.
  18. That sounds like something I'd never try.
  19. tldr go jump off a bridge
  20. hhahahahah i cant believe he fell for that
  21. Bro omg u would die LMAO
  22. met myself met aliens then woke up and forgot mostly everything sux
  23. Because you're not me.
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