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Age of S'jet

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Everything posted by Age of S'jet

  1. You're a stupid twat if you actually think I do anything past making sure I'm in the same lobby as other streamers.
  2. You're a stupid twat if you actually think I do anything past making sure I'm in the same lobby as other streamers.
  3. on my dedicated stream sniping twitch channel ppl donate to anything
  4. pretty sure money is お金 - kane you fucking retard
  5. so yea @enad what exactly do they have to be fucking pissed about? [as] knows damned well this place exist and the reason they don't reach out to anyone on here is probably exactly for the reason i stated giant fucking lawsuit waiting to happen with a bunch of fucking retards moderating it, using it as their safe space for their degenerate lessers
  6. i had to google it and i lost brain cells
  7. Because it's run by severely depressed people who can't manage to not manifest even the smallest amount of biased and millennial friendly tactics in it's moderation How could you ever when you have Zeni (and others) running around. Pat and KN are literally mentally disabled when they defend these retards under the guise they're a "persona". To make matters worse, in public KN acts like this white knight - but let's this brain dead degenerate scumfuck bastard pile of trash (and company) run around and shit post all day talking about stalking women, peeping, and lying in OPs for the sake of attention. Fucking dorks. It's not even just zeni, phillies posting about depressing shit no one wants to hear, Fuggz running around posting her fat pussy and letting us all know how bad of a parent she is most of the time, packard being fucking retarded, and a cunt that attacks anything that disagrees with it.
  8. TBH I'm disliking cats now too. Cats and dogs are easily the most overrated pet you can own. Give me an emu, a parrot, a snake, or a crow any day of the week tbh Or a fully baller'd out fishtank I can get high and lost looking at.
  9. Maaaaaaaaaaaaan. Dude has no money to begin with and they're keeping it. Smh. Another doomed baby.
  10. Dogs suck.
  11. Marlboro menthol
  12. you don't get anyone looking the way you do, with that wardrobe, and with that haircut. stop lying
  13. plot twist fuggz is actually a vrgin, immaculate conception 2.0 and ya'll have been trashing virgin mary
  14. But you're cute. How has no one put the effort out into making you pop??
  15. So apparently I hurt my arm today at work. I dont get it. I dont know when it happened like nothing happened at work. But now, my right dominant arm, whenever I'm not using it to lift something it feels like theres a strain on my index fingers tendon, down at the base of my forearm. So like, if I'm lifting something or doing something with my hand the pain is at like a 3, but if I'm not doing anything with it and it's just idle or hanging, it's at a 7. Wtf?
  16. you just probably need a friend irl that will drag you out of the house to socialize, a proper wardrobe, and a proper haircut yall put the pussy on the fucking pedestal
  17. 6am to 2pm RIP ME
  18. Mine is Teamsters
  19. yall see these yet?
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