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Everything posted by Rumb0

  1. Why am I asking, of course most people do. Those who can't answer are neets.
  2. Because I feel dirty. ?
  3. Hope it does not hurt to poop.
  4. Pavement ape used to be a slur directed towards skateboarders until /pol/ reappropriated it.
  5. General Discussion.
  6. Ultra SF2: PS4 Edition SF1: HD Remix Cadilacs and Dinosaurs HD Remix Chess 2
  7. I already knew he hated Babblers, I just gave him benefit of the doubt until he actually did something.
  8. I thought the title said Nudist Thread, and I was all like "wow, is UEMB the new Librechan?"
  9. Purge USB 2.0 MicroUSB cables!
  10. Get a USB 3.0 cable. It charges your phone in 30~ min.
  11. Luuv's logic: >gets rid of one folder under the impression that it will improve server and traffic issues >leaves the 10 other dead folders to fester >site goes down I don't want to be that guy, but Luuv obviously got rid of Babbling out of spite. Now we have to play nice in this place that has fucking IB'ers for mods, rofl.
  12. Aside from the server problems and pages refusing to load every-other-time, I like this place. We have a lot more freedom here than the other board. We can say whatever we want and do whatever we want (within understandable limits for the last one). People who thought the old place was better are delusional.
  13. Thats ok cool.
  14. Better get em quick before the leaf mulched eats them.
  15. Yeah, I'll have uhhhhhhh *two hours later* A quarter-pounder with cheese.
  16. When and why did they implement a 500x120 resolution limit for images signatures.
  17. I noticed that the Mentions aren't working for me correctly. I see a [1] right next to the mentions, but upon entering the page the notifications are comepletely gone. Only way I remedied this was using email to notify me.
  18. North Face turned into apparel for white girls All the real niggas wear skinny jeans. This way, we can tell who's gay when they sag their pants.
  19. Honestly, this makes my depression even worse. Anytime I intake THC, I become extremely anxious and thoughts of regret and loathing swirl in my head. I would like to attribute it to the lack of CBD in some strains, but in reality, the anxiety is an after effect from the opiates and amphetamines I consume on a daily basis. Aint no way I'll give up my morning mixtures of Oxycodone + Dextroamp's.
  20. Rumb0

    True fax

  21. Rumb0

    True fax

  22. You saw the forecasts right? It will continue to snow later tonight. Trimets and the MAX lines are all closed. No one should even attempt to drive in this shit. It literally snowed when I got off of work last night. By the time I got home, snow was sticking like a mother fucker,.
  23. You nefarious bastards; trying to get microtransaction profits from a dead franchise.
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