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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. I'm tempted to make an account just to try and mess with him but I feel like I'd get bored after 15 minutes.
  2. He's been way too persistent for way too long for it to be 100% troll. He's been at this shit for at least 10 years now. I just can't figure out how much is real and how much is troll. I actually had a dream the other day that Kidney (my fiance who's also a board member) told me that he's actually been playing the part of Zeni this entire time but it ended before he could explain to me how he made the YouTube videos <_<
  3. You should check out the subreddit <_< Helped me out a lot
  4. I had a jewfro from like, 4th grade up until 6th grade. After that I started straightening my hair every day. Recently decided to start rocking the curls with help from https://old.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/
  5. Ask your mom if she saw her leave.
  6. What's your favorite element on the periodic table?
  7. Dude, science is sexy as fuck. Girls get wet for some science.
  8. Secondary Traumatic Stress is a very real thing in the world of therapy. Not sure if therapist's age has any effect on how likely it is to develop.
  9. Someone who was able to become a therapist while still a teenager would be way too intelligent for you to even handle.
  10. Ikr I can't believe I got to take a pic with the real Snoopy
  11. This is from a couple years ago but I think I'm about the same weight now. I had stuff in my hoodie pockets so it makes me look fatter than I am I swear <_<
  12. I don't have any
  13. And do u have swamp ass rn?
  14. Highs are still in the 80's/90's for the rest of the week that ain't fall.
  15. I prefer the term "thicc" because I carry it in all the right places but yeah I guess some might say that
  16. I took a shower this morning and haven't really done any physical activity other than running the vacuum cleaner. Why is this happening to me I'm about to take another shower. I unironically can't wait for winter.
  17. A poo emoji. That's it.
  18. I'll be lucky if social security even exist by the time I'm ready to retire.
  19. So you're saying 18 is too old for you now?
  20. I fucking wish I could start getting social security when I turn 30,
  21. I like how she stopped responding after I showed her my critical thinking skills but used them against her
  22. "They've been women for a solid 5+ years" Legal age teens = 17 (according to you) 17-5 = 12
  23. So 12 year olds are "women" to you?
  24. I had to work Thanksgiving and Christmas last year with no holiday pay it sucked. Glad I don't have to do that anymore. I'm gonna have to be on call on New Year's Eve but I get double pay for any calls I get so that's something.
  25. Looks like propylene glycol is used in quite a few food items as well as cosmetics (not just the dollar store stuff), has several different uses, and takes large quantities to really do any damage. "It would be nearly impossible to reach toxic levels by consuming foods or supplements, which contain at most 1 g/kg of PG, except for alcoholic beverages in the US which are allowed 5 percent = 50g/kg" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propylene_glycol#Safety_in_humans) https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/propylene-glycol That took me like 5 minutes of Googling. I'm not saying we shouldn't question what kinds of things are being put into our food and why but taking time to research and think about things is better than the sensationalist response of "OMG ANTIFREEZE IS LITERALLY BEING PUT INTO OUR FOOD". As far as the vanilla extract is concerned, real vanilla is expensive as fuck but it looks like this stuff can be used as an alternative (https://vanillaqueen.com/vanilla-extract-an-insiders-view/)
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