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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. There is no "gene" for bipolar or any other mental illness. It's possible to have a genetic predisposition to mental illness because they do tend to run families but that certainly doesn't mean someone is doomed to have bipolar or schizophrenia or whatever just because their parents do.
  2. I hate how Android rolls out software updates. I probably won't get Pie for like, another year.
  3. I'm having too much fun with this thing <_< > Hello, I am Eliza. * Hi * Hi > Please don't repeat yourself! > Please don't repeat yourself! * Fucking hypocrite > Can you elaborate on that?
  4. > Hello, I am Eliza. * Hi > How are you today.. What would you like to discuss? * I am good. How are you? > Perhaps in your fantasies I am ? * Excuse me > OK... "I are good. How am you". Tell me more. * Do you speak English > Oh... speak English? * English motherfucker, do you speak it? > We were discussing you, not me. * You're the one with the terrible grammar > What makes you think I am the one with the terrible grammar? * The fact that you said "I are good. How am you" > You're not really talking about me, are you? * I am, though > Do you believe it is normal to be though? * Get out of here with your philosophical shit > What about your own philosophical shit? Perfect. Who needs real therapy when we have this?
  5. One time I ate a cupcake with black frosting and it turned my shit green for a couple days.
  6. I saw it yesterday. Was really good.
  7. I complained a lot, too >_> Sometimes I even complained while listening to music
  8. It just flowed better to say "college" <_<
  9. Better hurry some schools start on Monday...
  10. I wish someone would start doing it more often just start earlier like around 10 or 11 or maybe even on a weekday sometimes starting at like 8 or something.
  11. Y'all gotta start doing this shit earlier I'm about ready for bed
  12. HEY I'll have you know that in the past 10 years I've gone from complaining about high school, to complaining about college, to complaining about one job, to complaining about a new job, and then to complaining about ANOTHER new job. That's a lot of change.
  13. You know I don't know if Tim Minsy ever did anything quite that over the top <_<
  14. That cat is adorable Wonder if it's still alive
  15. Can we though? Also, I just rewatched those videos and it's amazing how true they still are after 10 years. Also this less popular video from the same channel that only people from Cleveland will really get...<_<
  16. Our economy's based on Lebron James so now that he's gone we're all gonna die
  17. They don't even bother to dump asphalt they just let the potholes wear down until you see the brick underneath. And they don't bother repainting the lines on the road like ever.
  18. Pretty much But if you go too fast through East Cleveland you'll fuck up your car.
  19. The Flats is weird because they build these luxury apartments like right in the middle but then it's surrounded by slums.
  20. I mean I've been through that area and it's not the best but there are parts of East Cleveland where there are literally more buildings that are abandoned than there are buildings with people actually living in them. And some of the ones that are abandoned are literally falling apart like a bomb went off or are just empty shells that no one bothered to tear down. And even the buildings that aren't abandoned are run down. There are good and and bad parts on both sides of town but the bad parts on the east side are way worse than the bad parts on the west.
  21. Hey the West side generally isn't that bad. Euclid Ave starts to look like a war zone once you get far enough east.
  22. I've driven past potholes almost as big as my car. Also in some areas you can't even tell where the lines on the road are anymore. But hey I haven't been robbed yet.
  23. I mean I'm actually putting the miles on my car. <_<
  24. Honda Fit I don't need speed. Half the time I'm driving through the city anyway and some of those East Cleveland streets are more pothole than road so you'll destroy your car if you go over 20mph.
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