My elementary school crush is in med school and I don't even remember who I had crushes on in middle school and beyond or really care what they're up to.
Didn't you supposedly steal a PS4? But you're too pussy to sneak into the movies? Some alpha you are... Where are you going to take those legal teenage hotties on a date if you can't sneak into a movie?
I work more or less when I want to as long as I get my 40 hours in and meet my productivity standard. Typically still work 9-5 but I usually work until around 6 or 6:30 a couple nights so I can leave early another day. And then sometimes (like today) if I have nothing going on for awhile I can "clock out" for an hour or two in the middle of the day and clock back in for my next appointment.
I don't miss 2-10pm's at all.
There's some cake in the fridge that's technically Kidney's but I keep asking him is he going to eat it an he says yes but it's STILL THERE should I start eating it in front of him that would be fun.
Like seriously what should I do I'm not tired so I can't just go to bed. YouTube is boring, Netflix is boring, video games are boring. I've already eaten like everything in the apartment out of boredom. What do.
I went to the dentist yesterday and it literally took like 15 minutes. Dentist wasn't even there the hygienist just said that if she thought she saw something I'd have to come back to be diagnosed but after my cleaning said everything looked good.
I like that dentist because I have permanent retainers and the top one is too close to the gum line for those floss threaders to fit under. My last dentist used to jam the threaders in anyway even as I was writhing in pain. This one I just told them and they were like "okay cool".
The world may never know what percentage of Zeni's persona is just trolling and what percentage is real mental illness. I used to think he was pure troll but he's been so consistent with this shit for so long that there's no way he's not at least partially for real.