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Everything posted by RollFizzlebeef

  1. *points to scoreboard* Doesn't matter. The Jets are shit yet again. Now sit down and take your loss.
  2. Stuffed bell peppers topped with tomato sauce. Very good.
  3. I love DIY set design. Heck, I love DIY filmmaking, period.
  4. Chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes. Num YUMMAAAYYYY!
  5. But seriously, my best option is buying a good steak at, say, HEB or Kroger and cooking it to my own specifications. If I can't do that, going out to Longhorn Steakhouse, Texas Roadhouse, or even Outback Steakhouse is fine. They're not that expensive when it comes to steakhouses. Unless if it's the absolute best prime rib you can get (Wagyu beef prime rib), $100 for a cut of meat is ridiculous.
  6. A big, heaping bowl of homemade Texas chili.
  7. *looks in thread* *sees weird shit* *slowly backs out of thread*
  8. Well played. lol I gotta give you that one. That was a great comeback.
  9. Homecooked burgers (patties seasoned with black pepper and barbecue rub) and fries.
  10. Yep. People suck ass.
  11. Only if you chop yours off first. lol (Actually, don't. I don't condone self-harm.)
  12. I wish there a way to de-age myself and keep my current memories so I don't make the same mistakes.
  13. Sorry. Balls come with the pp. That's the deal. I'm not making a deal with you. I'm just telling it like it is.
  14. So you want to be able to sit on your balls? That fucking hurts, yo. Still wouldn't trade it for anything else. Sorry.
  15. I hope not. I love my PS4. I do need to get a PS5 soon, but not too soon.
  16. Alternate timelines could possibly be a thing though. Also, parallel universes could be a thing, too.
  17. All I know is...YEW AND UR FATHER ARRR DEWMED!
  18. Oh, so you're this guy?
  19. Happy belated birthday!
  20. Nice! There was this taco truck right by a gas station off of one of the main thoroughfairs in one of the towns I used to live in over the years that served authentic CeMex (Central Mexican, for those who don't know) food. I believe the owners were originally from the Mexico City area. Anyway, I loved their food so much they knew me on a first-name basis. I miss their food.
  21. I hate cleaning the fucking bathtub. I wish we had self-cleaning bathtubs.
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