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Everything posted by RollFizzlebeef

  1. I look like I could be an underwear model, don't I?
  2. I'd like a couple, please?
  3. I have finally gotten the Andromeda galaxy in the palms of my hands!
  4. Death metal. Because singing about death should sound evil.
  5. Anything by One Direction. (Harry Styles' solo work is fine though.)
  6. Are you ready for some football?!? No, really. Are you ready?
  7. This. Oh, so much this.
  8. What time zone? I live in space! Okay, fine. Central, but only because you asked nicely.
  9. People come, people go. Fuck this shit. Let's do some blow! Who wants some cocaine? (Not really. Cocaine is bad for you.)
  10. RollFizzlebeef


    I just got the Legends Edition for my PC. Who else has it?
  11. Great. Now get back to work!
  12. I want my name to be KalganBlowMeAway.
  13. Scientology and its bullshit.
  14. Chapter 8: Godzilla isn't real Kagome: Dad, what's wrong? Godzilla: I have this pain in my stomach! Inuyasha: You ate too many J-pop stars again, didn't you? *Godzilla's stomach tears open; gnomes crawl out of newly-formed orifice* Inuyasha: What the hell is that? Kagome: Are those gnomes? INUYASHA! Inuyasha: What?! I'm right here, you know! Head gnome: We are your father, Kagome! Kagome: Uh, okay. Sure. I guess. Inuyasha: I mean it's a little strange, but then again, I always thought the idea of Godzilla being your dad was weird, too. Kagome: SIT, BOY! *Inuyasha's body hits the floor head first* Inuyasha: What the hell was that for? Kagome: Maybe I wanted to be part radioactive sea lizard! Ever think of that? *in walks ghostrek* ghostrek: (stuttering) I-I-I never thought...this was possible. Why are there gnomes crawling out of Godzilla's tummy? Inuyasha: Maybe Godzilla was never real. *ghostrek runs off, never to be seen again* Kagome: Who was that? Inuyasha: I don't know, and I don't care. Gnomes: (In unison) We love you, L. Ron Hubbard!
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