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Green Ghost
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Everything posted by viperxmns

  1. Man this transition to fall I kinda prefer needing 0 blankets to sleep vs needing 3 blankets to sleep as long as there's no mosquitoes around
  2. Directv labeled the 2nd episode of the night weird, had to manually record
  3. Aaand that's the only one of those shows I've never seen
  4. This sounds like Uzumaki consumed their budget for the next 100 years
  5. Personally I may not find myslef in a white house though there may be white walls HUEHUEHUEHUE*farts
  6. I hate the smell of mulch
  7. The environment.. that place is full of MICROBES
  8. If muricanz see the pipe in the logo theyll start smoking drugs
  9. I have trained my phone to autofill hoona igna chowa neha
  10. My dumb Surface Pro does this thing where the screen starts to shake when the display has been on for a long time pretty sure it's not supposed to do this but i doubt i can really get it fixed anyway so i just give the screen a rest when it does it , still fuckin stupid
  11. This guy is all ears! Huehuehuehue *farts
  12. Pineapple https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/164433966?asc=u
  13. Hm so does that mean a different actor voices each of Chopper's forms? What about base form then
  14. I was under the impression Trump's species dumped him on this planet because they didn't want him anymore
  15. Captain's log It is year 7 of taking this dump
  16. I spent way more time studying how to draw a pineapple than i thought i would
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