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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. Assassin's Creed 3, and fuck does it suck a big Native dick. Shittiest assassin so far. He can climb trees. Yay. That's about it. Let me collect some feathers. Yeah that's fun. Or Benjamin Franklin's goddamn almanac pages. That's a blast. This game sucks, and for the first time in an AC game, I said fuck collecting all the shit. I'm doing the main missions and that's it. Trying to get through this bore fest, shit show of a game.
  2. I saw that, but that inbred hick doesn't even constitute as culture.
  3. Jesus. Instead of asking us, ask the asshole that's being lazy. Say, "Hey, nipple slip. The fuck ain't you working?"
  4. Cancel Culture is just a group of pissed off virgins, that have never seen any ass other than on a porn site. Fuck those ''do-gooders.''
  5. Syndicate is done. On to Assassin's Creed 3 now. Gonna whoop the shit out of creepy George Washington's candy ass.
  6. Have you ever wanted to eat Mexican leftovers, but instead ate Rolo's and instantly regretted not eating the Mexican food, but now it's too late, since you've gotten full off of empty calories from a shit candy instead of delicious Mexican food? All because you were too lazy to go to the refrigerator, plate the food, heat it up, then clean it up? Happens to me. All the time. Far as pulling my pecker goes, nah. I don't play with myself. But I do shit a lot. My toilet gets a lot of action. And so does my Xbox lately. I just rambled on like a philosopher stoned novel. I'm bored. I could put this all into ghostrek language. If that would appease anyone. Fuck it. Let's do it. Micixan fud good but me lazy and eat candy. me not want to get up and cook. me don't thump my dick. i poop. toilet happy. xxxbox gud. i rammmmmbeld like a stoned filosofer. i board. i speak my talk. make happy. bam bam. do eet.
  7. I played mostly as Jacob, because of combat skills. I'm not a very stealthy type of player. I mostly run in, guns blazing. So, when I got all the Secrets of London and the reward was for Evie, I was pissed. So, I started playing with her more then. I found the secrets early on, as well as the glitches and chests and all the other crap they wanted you to find. I'm on the last sequence now. Probably will finish the game today or tomorrow. Then all that's left is AC 3 and Unity. Unity probably isn't going to happen though, since everyone says it sucks ass. But I do want to play 3.
  8. totally dig the victorian era london. but karl marx can suck a bag of dicks.
  9. I have no dog in this fight, and no help to offer. But curious as to why the furious. And yes, Sawdy does have plenty of feet in the ass videos to watch.
  10. You have a mental illness?
  11. How about them Packers?
  12. Seriously. [email protected] is fucking legit, yo.
  13. Same missions over and over again? Sounds like every Assassin's Creed game ever. A damn question mark every few centimeters.
  14. I mean, I have quite a few email accounts, but I don't log into them, even on a monthly basis. You have to have an email account for everything these days, and that is the purpose for which I have email accounts. I don't check them because I shouldn't be getting anything of worth in them. If it's not a verification for something I bought or something like that, I never check any of my email accounts. I don't correspond via email. It's not 1995 and email isn't the best thing since tits.
  15. I don't really do private messages, so I had that turned off too. If KN wants to drop the ban hammer, then it is what it is. But he knows who I am. He should know my email accounts are legit. I did post here all the time. Don't frequent the place as much as I used to. Been sucked in to gaming lately.
  16. My email address is valid. I checked. I mean, just to make sure. I don't have any throw away email accounts.
  17. has anyone done that yet? I've never received an email from this place and I've been a member for a few years. So, I can't verify an email address if I've never received any emails. Pretty sure when I created my account(s), there was an option to opt out of getting emails. Can't remember for sure, but if there was, I'm sure I would have clicked it.
  18. I beat Valhalla, and let me say this, it was a chore. More glitches than I could count. Two side quests completely glitched out and wouldn't let me complete them. Then, when they put out a patch, it took away my max amount of arrows, and every time I started, or fast traveled, I started off drunk. It was just released too early in my opinion. I have beaten Odyssey now, and am onto playing Syndicate again. Valhalla had the potential. A good story line and all, but they rushed it. RE 7 was better than 5 and 6 in my opinion. I don't play horror games, but I did watch disco beat it. RE 2 remake was fun to watch, but RE 3 remake seemed incredibly short.
  19. Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Currently at level 62. Not much left to do in the game.
  20. If I have an abundance of anything, it's ruts.
  21. The cows are sacrificed on my table.
  22. how do you do it? do you use a sponge and body wash, or a rag and a bar of soap? just a bar of soap? if just a bar of soap, how do you wash your butthole?
  23. Hot and gnats are out here. So, first winter storm here too.
  24. I'm with Jizz on this. That's not even a real game. Break out the console and play something worthwhile. I started two weeks ago at level 1 and now I'm at level 308 in AC Valhalla. Other than buying the game, I have made no purchases. Besides, you're going to go blind staring at a phone screen all day.
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