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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. Before I clicked the thread, I was thinking pussy . . . and I was right.
  2. If those stats were taken after sleeping and not having eaten anything for at least 8 hours, yes. Prehypertension is 120 to 140 systolic and prediabetes is 100-120 mg/dL. Of course it needs to be measured over several intervals in order to be sure, plus you did just have an organ transplant, so I imagine that affects things. I'd only bother worrying if your doctor does.
  3. So you're prediabetic and have prehypertension. Nice to know.
  4. I think I've only ever done that once in all my years of working, lol
  5. I was gonna drink a whole can to get slightly drunk, but I barely drank half of it. The flavor is just disgusting. When I was a teenager, I could easily drink the stuff. Oh well. I'm kinda glad I didn't get drunk. It's been at least a year since I've been drunk.
  6. facetious answer
  7. And then the COPD and the lung cancer hits and the pension no longer has enough funds and social security gets cut and Medicare, after another Republican administration, starts disqualifying for preexisting conditions . . . oh my.
  8. No, just some weird ass drawings from one his pamphlets . . . probably one for registered sex offenders.
  9. lol, someone's asking for it . . . AGAIN
  10. Ellen Degeneres said this season of her shitty talk show will be her last. Last year, she faced backlash over rumors that she treats her staff and non-celebrities like shit. These rumors have been floating around for years too.
  11. And she's trying to make her backlash seem like it stemmed from misogyny. Bye bitch. Go find Nemo.
  12. Just playing with basic reverse psychology, bud.
  13. It's not about your racism; nobody likes you. The racism is secondary. Now where the fuck is that made up pic?
  14. You didn't edit anything.
  15. no it's not
  16. I don't like sugary breakfast cereals like that as much as when I was a child. I don't even remember the last time I had Cocoa Puffs.
  17. ghostrek, just about anyone can clean, which is why it attracts white trash drug addicts and weirdos like at your workplace. Consider their outward display a blessing. You've been wanting to leave, now you finally got that final push with a new job.
  18. I really when take it . . . just so I can show off that I have Italian, Austrian, and Japanese blood, heh.
  19. fuggs needs to come back and tell us about her pussy escapades
  20. Anyway, 9 days now. The cravings are mild and most of the withdrawal symptoms are gone. I still don't consider it officially quitting until the 1 month mark.
  21. um, what. Liaison is when words like "les hommes" become pronounced "lay zohm." Its's something English fortunately never picked up despite the heavy French influence.
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