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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Boo!
  2. so, Trix cereal used to be puffs. Then it changed to fruit shapes. Then it went back to puffs. And now, it's back to fruit shapes again. The original Trix were awesome. When they changed to shapes, they didn't taste good, and when they changed back to puffs, they still tasted bad. But now that they are back to shapes again, they are awesome again. Weird.
  3. Teen Titans Go To The Movies. 9/10. Pretty funny. We enjoyed it.
  4. Brisket...jowl....etc.
  5. Third rate porn star DNA.
  6. Worms. All we need is worms.
  7. Let's go fishing.
  8. Only if you bring proof that you kicked the shit out of Nabs.
  9. It has been released on both. Opium just likes the lame PS4. I haven't picked up the game yet. Might wait for the Komplete Edition.
  10. Own all 7 seasons on Blu-ray. Never watched them. Don't know. Disco has watched them all though.
  11. So much. So very, very much.
  12. Savannah is a very popular tourist destination, and one of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen. And we live right next to it. If you have never been there, it is definitely worth a visit.
  13. If it doesn't have dead hooker DNA on it, then you got ripped off.
  14. Nope. I covered that one too.
  15. Dogs that fucked spicy jalapeno berries.
  16. I'm like a Telemundo show that at first glance, you think is a porno. But then you realize you've watched something you can't understand, for 2 hours, thinking any minute now there are gonna be titties. But they never happen, irl.
  17. You should come down too, instead of using PTO for some bike shit. We can make it an unofficial UEMB party.
  18. I already have filled my quota of videos. My naked ass is on YouTube somewhere. Therefore, I am no longer interested in videos, of ANY kind. Anymore. Also, pretty sure that Google Images has photographs, and/or videos of me walking down the highway...butt ass naked...at night. (Stillz and LB are going to read this, and go....um. wtf? Who the fuck are these weird assholes)? It was a game. I never once won. For my loss. Strip and walk down the highway, bitch. To which I happily obliged. Disco can be cruel. But so can the tailgate of my truck. Ain't that right, disco?
  19. gonna be starting on the kitchen, probably Tuesday or Wednesday. It will be a two day job. Looking forward to it. Then we have some awesome company coming to town for a couple of weeks, being @Still Me and @lupin_bebop. Looking forward to the week ahead. Very busy, and very much anticipated.
  20. I'll call the cops.
  21. .cisum ot ti ekaT
  22. The ghost of Andre the Giant could beat Conor McGregor.
  23. Happy Birthday, Vamped! Hope you have a great day!
  24. Bed time.
  25. You're a virgin, bro. Moth to a flame. I've been married a long time. Only boobs I'm interested in are my wife's.
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