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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Congratulations. And that is an awesome gift. I think I may try to find this one as well. I think I will indeed, go to the book store tomorrow.
  2. I’m not sure. I think misaka was using both profiles to talk shit to mumbo. That’s why he caught a double ban.
  3. I’d claim that as a gun shot wound, that you took to the sternum. Got up. Beat the dude’s ass. Went and got a cheeseburger.
  4. We don’t want to know, do we? Ha.
  5. But fuck. Banning both profiles. That’s a bit over kill.
  6. Oh yeah. The same dude who made a shout out thread to a shit load of people a few weeks ago. I didn’t know he was Cactus, but I knew cactus was fucked up.
  7. That’s lame. That shouldn’t have caught you a ban. Mumbo should have been banned for a death threat.
  8. What name is mumbo using now? Because I haven’t seen a post in a while. Maybe I just missed seeing his shit any time in the last few months.
  9. Wow. You caught a ban for fucking with a dude who loves to fuck with people? Damn.
  10. Went three times today. I buy a lot of toilet paper.
  11. I see. Yeah. There’s nothing bad in that thread now. I missed it all. I’m just curious as to who you triggered.
  12. midnight


    Disco loves her sanctuary. But this week, we will be working on the kitchen. Then, back to the outside, with the pool.
  13. With two profiles? Who the hell did you trigger? What thread is it in?
  14. No. I shit well enough without all that extra fiber.
  15. midnight


    The last bag, well, we hit it harder than usual. What we get usually lasts us for a month, but today I doubled up. Fuck running out.
  16. midnight


    I'm waiting on my dude to show up. I need my weed.
  17. midnight


    Gonna check the options. May be an in-ground pool.
  18. midnight


    going to buy a pool tomorrow. That will be fun to get together. Probably won't start on it until next week. Got to get the kitchen done this week.
  19. midnight


    hurry up.
  20. What the hell did you get banned for? Let alone, twice?
  21. Aren't buses for the poor people? The fuck they doing on a plane?
  22. I'll take that as a compliment.
  23. Gonna kick it off right with a smoked butt and smoked jowl.
  24. Well, I bought them for the boy, and tried a bowl. I am old, but I still only eat kid's cereals. That old people cereal is gross.
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