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Everything posted by midnight

  1. The orbs are noticeable. Especially the big white one, with the black background. Also, I wasn't looking at her boobs. I was looking at the tattoo, on the, as she said, chicken wing arm. Then noticed the big white orb. That's literally right next to the tattoo. Good night, Misaka.
  2. I was gonna mention the orbs in the photograph. Two by your head, and one on your boobs. I'm not going to point and laugh, for fear of ghosts.
  3. I'm just jamming out to some Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band now.
  4. Sit your ass down. The Guardians of the Galaxy are awesome. And he is bad ass. God. Just when I thought we were clicking.
  5. Piece of shit.
  6. Fuck you.
  7. I know.
  8. You suck.
  9. You see it, bro.
  10. What are you doing tonight, Mid?
  11. At least I can understand what I'm saying.
  12. Fuck it. I'll talk to myself.
  13. And some weed.
  14. I don't drink, but I could go for a beer right now.
  15. all the nerds are circle jerking up in toonami.
  16. so I can point at it and laugh.
  17. Yellow Jackets hurt like a bitch when they sting you.
  18. Can I buy a vowel? I'd like to buy an E. Sorry, you don't have enough money for the 44837403709835 E's in this puzzle.
  19. That raccoon thing? He has a name!! ROCKET! How do you not know this????????
  20. This googly eyed fad was started in my hometown.
  21. You can always try partially cooking the chicken first, then take it out and put in the ricotta cheese and finish cooking the chicken.
  22. I am satisfied they will turn out perfect. I have done variations many, many times. This will be delicious. Probably even better than the enchilada version.
  23. I have kicked ass for less.. Kudos for finally tagging me correctly.
  24. If that's love, I'm scared to see hate. Smooches.
  25. Tell her you want to eat her asshole.
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