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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Disco and I toss out everything that has expired. Food. Meds. Everything. They have a shelf life for a reason. My mother in the other hand, will take meds that expired a year ago. I wouldn’t think they would harm you if they were newly expired, but I wouldn’t take anything past a month or two of the expiration date.
  2. Yep. We don’t kill them, but damn they got to move. We also have an abundance of caterpillars right now. There are webs in most of the trees, and those things are everywhere. Just another “perk” of living in the south when fall approaches, I suppose.
  3. We just installed a couple hundred patio lights this week, going from our patio to our bridge. It lights up the whole walkway now. But spiders! Fuck. They’re already making webs on them, so when you walk out there at night, you kind of have to do some karate chops just in case. I usually let disco walk ahead of me. Haha! I mean, because it’s the gentlemanly thing to do. Ladies first.
  4. Those are kinda cool actually. (Might have to get some of those). But this asshole was walking around with one of these 3 million candle power bastards.
  5. The blueberry ale is pretty damn good.
  6. I’m shocked disco didn’t think to do that. Unfortunately this whole incident unfolded while I was inside dealing with the damn ac.
  7. (Takes notes from wacky’s playbook).
  8. Yes to all of this!
  9. Exactly! Yeah, he made some threats to myself and my stepfather. He was on his property as he made them. I begged him to step across the property line. He refused. Shit got ugly.
  10. Come on. Glad to have ya. We keep the grass mowed. Shit is weed eated around. Leaves raked in the winter. We also plant a big enough garden to feed the neighborhood. Or swift death. I’ve had a good run.
  11. Nah, this asshole was shining it at our house. He was walking with the light and aiming it at disco.
  12. The cult of personality.
  13. So, last night, disco and I were sitting out under our veranda. Disco was enjoying her wine. I was sipping on a Redd’s Blueberry Ale. Just talking and stuff. I went inside and noticed our ac was acting up again. I was inside taking apart the inside unit to check to see if it had frozen up again, and it had. It’s fixed now. Anyways, while I’m inside doing that, our asshole neighbor was shining his Q-Beam at our house. It’s like 10:00 at night. Disco walks down the driveway and says to the neighbor, “Please stop shining your damn bright ass light at our house.” He answered with, “Who the fuck are you?” To which she replied, “Who the fuck are you?!” That was the end of this particular altercation. I don’t know if disco has mentioned the problem with the new neighbors before, but they are complete assholes. They moved in a few months ago, and have been nothing but trouble since. We live on a hill, surrounded by family. In the swamp. This one house became available after a cousin of mine sold it. Everyone else is family in our little compound. There is a lot to this story, but disco may have already mentioned some of the issues. I’m not sure.
  14. If it’s not a real thing, it should be. I’d totally strap those to the back of my truck and go for a stroll.
  15. I collect shot glasses.
  16. Take some acid. Put on Hotel California, while watching Fox News on mute. That should help liven things up a bit.
  17. Go rabid and bite his dick off, or take him out back and put him out of his misery? Both are solid options.
  18. It should still be semi cold. If it was only out for that amount of time, it should still be ok.
  19. Here’s you a Big Mac.
  20. 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
  21. I don’t diet. I’m only here once. If bacon takes me out, at least I’ll die happy. Of course that’s me, and this post isn’t about me. Wishin’ ya the best of luck with it.
  22. Haha! Yeah, I don’t think I’d want to be on the mailing list, to receive an inanimate object, from let’s just use Zeni as an example. 🤣 He would blow a load in it, stick it up his pooter, then throw a stamp on it. That’s a whole box full of hell no.
  23. I think I remember Disco telling me something about that. I think she opted out of being in the loop for that one.
  24. I love turtles. They are a cool animal. Disco, unfortunately, saw one get smashed by a truck a couple of days ago. We try to rescue them when we see them crossing the road. Sometimes we are too late. I rescued about a 40 pounder a couple years ago. He/she was mad as hell, but I saved it. Released it in the swamp.
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