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Everything posted by midnight
Check the thermostat, first. Or shoot the car repeatedly until it dies.
Yep. That got an irl laugh out loud. HAHAHAHAHA!
Zeni approaches with a very odd looking erection.
Alright, I have to ask, how do you get all that bacon for free? Bacon is like my best friend and stuff.
*approaches. Zeni runs away with balls in hands*
Not a fan of wrestling?
I never wanted to get into politics. But the commissioners here don't do anything to help the community. Only things that they personally benefit from. So, instead of constantly bitching about it, I decided to throw my name in the hat. It's a different arena. The hardest part for me has been censoring myself. I curse a lot. I tend to call things like I see them. So, I have had to curb my language and really think about things I say, before I say them. Being in the public eye makes you a target. I have had mostly positive write-ups about me in our local newspaper. But I did have one negative one. I do not agree with most of the things my affiliated party says and does. Just today I made a comment to the person who heads up the local republican party, about women. He had a derogatory statement regarding rape allegations being made by liberals. I took the most offense to that. I don't need their damn support anyways, so I made a decision to let my trap fly open.
I am seriously considering installing some cameras. I think this a must have item at this point.
Yeah, we usually wear shorts at Christmas here. We don't really have winter. But I love the idea. If t would ever get cold.
Some folks think I'm a jerk because I have a problem with the over abundance of meth usage in my county. I would like to see them get the help they need, but they have to be apprehended first and charges pressed against them, before they will get the help they need. They more than likely won't go for the help on their own accord. I feel sorry for those folks, because I have seen what it does to people first hand. Unfortunately, the only way here, anyways, to make them go to rehab, is to make rehab part of their sentence.
Bruiser and Crusher!
You still look like a boy. Still have baby fat.
Talking politics with several folks. Meetings with officials. Campaigning. Boring stuff.
Are you in Georgia? Sounds like something that happens here.
I have to play this smart. I do not want to go to jail. He is not worth it.
This is exactly what my mother says. I don't think he's crazy. I think he wants everyone to think he is though.
We live on a hill. My great aunt and uncle live to our right. My mother and her husband live next to us on the left. Behind us are unrelated neighbors you are decent folks. They live in the house I grew up in, but after my father called it quits with my mother after over 30 years of marriage, he lost the house. Well, just stopped paying for it and hauled ass. The new asshole neighbors live past my mother's house, in what was my aunt's house, before she sold it and moved away. A cousin of mine bought it and just recently sold it to these assholes. There have been several issues since they moved in. It all started when he came to my mother's house, banging the hell out of her door at 6 in the morning, after her husband left for work. He raised hell with my mother, saying her dog attacked his dog. My mother's dog might have attacked his dog, but she did it in her yard. Not theirs. We live in the country. We have never had our dogs enclosed. All of the family lets their dogs run around. We none have ever had a problem with it. Anyways, to avoid any more conflict, my mother took her dog and had her put down. They refused to fence her in, as she has roamed freely for almost ten years. This still didn't satisfy the neighbors. Me being me, in a fit of pissed off, mentioned the incidents on Facebook. Someone told my neighbor what I said online, and he called the police. The cops came out and told me to more or less shut the fuck up. So I did. Nothing else was said. Fast forward a couple weeks later, and I walk over to my mother's house and our neighbor is out mowing his grass. He gets off his lawnmower and throws his arms up in the air, and says, "You mother fuckers!" So I walked to the property line and met him. We went at it for a good half hour. My stepfather came out. The neighbor's wife and daughter came out. My mother came out. Disco came out. It was just a big pow wow in the yard. Since then, it's been relatively quiet. Until a few nights ago, when disco had her encounter with him and his rifle and spotlight. Then a couple days after that, he crossed the center line at me and my son on our golf cart. I intend to speak to the sheriff tomorrow when we go to town. I don't want him to come out, I just want him to be advised of the situation. Also, every time one of them leaves their house, they sit on their horn as they continue out of sight. Just a lot of childish shit. Mixed in with some more serious shit.
Deer hunting is the most boring thing on the planet to me. But we don't hunt for sport like a lot of hunters do. We love the meat. We have our own processing facility here at the house. We hunt in the back field. Then can skin and process them right here. Duck hunting is actually quite fun. Their meat is delicious.
I'd rather fish the Nile for perch, than Vietnam for catfish. We have a major river behind our house, and there's ponds and lakes all over the place. I haven't been fishing in a while, but I am looking to start back next year, seeing that my son is of age to start fishing now. Also thinking about doing some deer and duck hunting this year. Haven't been hunting in a while either.
Guilty. I have wasted bacon on catfish. I have also used chicken liver. I don't even like catfish myself, so when I've ever been catfishing, I would use bacon or chicken livers, to make sure I caught enough for whomever was going to be eating them. Folks down this way, go crazy for catfish stew. I am more of a bream fan myself. My favorite fish is flounder, but I've never been salt water fishing.
Same. I use worms most of the time. But I do use bacon if I'm fishing for catfish.
Bacon is excellent for catching catfish. I have used it myself. I've never been salt water fishing, but I have caught catfish with bacon, and chicken livers.
The flounder eating chicken, I get. But a dollar for a pack of chicken....I need to go to the Dollar Tree.