I came up before we had internet. I remember having the big bulky cell phones. The flip phone, etc. I used a desktop for years. Then disco got a laptop and I got off the internet completely for about ten years. By the time I came back online, I had a smart phone and a tablet. I’ve gotten used to the cell phone “keyboard.” I just got a laptop for myself, and am trying to transition back to the “real” keyboard. The mobile version is a pain in the ass, far as posting images or gifs. The laptop version is a lot easier in that regard. The laptop also gets a better signal than my phone does where we live. I can navigate a lot faster on the laptop. I’m still trying to figure out my new laptop. As I posted the same damn post three times. I haven’t had that issue with the mobile version. I’ll continue to ease my way into things with the laptop. I’m on my phone right now, just because I don’t want to deal with the challenge first thing in the morning.