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Everything posted by midnight

  1. We aren't even projected to get much rain. Let the panicking begin.
  2. I’ve got to comment. Speaking from personal experience, we don’t watch porn in our house. We don’t need to. I’m happy with my wife. I don’t need to see anyone else naked. I don’t need to pleasure myself. I suppose everyone isn’t happy with who they’re with, or attracted to who they’re with. But I’m happy with my wife and very attracted to her. Porn is just something I do not need. I don’t need to, nor do I want to watch anyone else fucking.
  3. I came up before we had internet. I remember having the big bulky cell phones. The flip phone, etc. I used a desktop for years. Then disco got a laptop and I got off the internet completely for about ten years. By the time I came back online, I had a smart phone and a tablet. I’ve gotten used to the cell phone “keyboard.” I just got a laptop for myself, and am trying to transition back to the “real” keyboard. The mobile version is a pain in the ass, far as posting images or gifs. The laptop version is a lot easier in that regard. The laptop also gets a better signal than my phone does where we live. I can navigate a lot faster on the laptop. I’m still trying to figure out my new laptop. As I posted the same damn post three times. I haven’t had that issue with the mobile version. I’ll continue to ease my way into things with the laptop. I’m on my phone right now, just because I don’t want to deal with the challenge first thing in the morning.
  4. That appears to be the case.
  5. I forgot to mention, i smoked some hog jowl, then fried it, and put the jowl bacon on it as well.
  6. Yes sir! You earned the mic drop of the day!
  7. On a ballon.
  8. Fixed.
  9. I will ask the unanswerable question here: Zeni. Have you ever sucked a dick bigger than your dad’s?
  10. Fixed.
  11. Shame on me. I’m a terrible friend.
  12. It was for the “giggle chills?”
  13. I legit laughed out loud.
  14. I heard viper looking for ghost. he mad. fbi. youtube. prison. banned. chicken porn. janitorfootfetish.com zenitits. hurricane.
  15. I have been taking pork chops and cutting them into strips and pan searing them in curry and them putting them in a flour tortilla and rolling them up like a burrito. Holy hell they are good!
  16. (Insert jacks off into own eyes and burns them, emoji).
  17. I mean, Viper hasn't killed us. Hurricane Florence is still a bag of dicks. Zeni hasn't had his weiner bitten off by a rabid squirrel. All is well.... I suppose.
  18. I read them. I will give a review shortly. Been busy preparing for unevenedgeageddon. Trying to talk to follks before viper "kills" us all.
  19. yeah....sexy.
  20. fixed
  21. I am new to this site on the laptop version. I've been using the mobile version, which I like better, because auto correct lets me be lazy. But I get a better signal on the laptop, than I do on my phone. But our internet sucks. Bad.
  22. I've kept myself pretty neutral. If anyone is talking about me, then they're just bored I suppose.
  23. My best guess is, because our internet lags so bad, especially if disco is on her laptop and I'm on mine, I must have hit submit more than once. Hell, I don't know. I'm an idiot with technology and such.
  24. Well damnit. See ya'll in 3 days then. (Goes to chill with viper in banned land).
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