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Everything posted by midnight

  1. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say, since he has 22 left out of a case of them, he didn't care for them. Goddamn.
  2. If you think this song was big, wait until you SEE fuggs.
  3. Haha. I was on Cobra's side. I'd take all the villains and beat the shit out of the good guys. This particular version of Cobra Commander, with the hood, I ordered and got it in the mail. I had the helmet version, but had to order this one. And the Crimson Guard twins, Tomax and Xamot.
  4. I would be so happy if I could fart right now.
  5. I was in the military when I was 7. I had all the G.I. Joe's.
  6. I have been listening to Queen non-stop for about four months now. Can't get enough.
  7. Nah. I meant rainbow as in pride. Ha. Yeah I'm old as shit. I know who Rainbow is.
  8. You're not gonna help end those rumors wearing a rainbow shirt.
  9. You are half right.
  10. I will take a chop. Hold the sweet potato. Please and thank you.
  11. Thanks. A vacation would do wonders. Meh.
  12. And young. Very young.
  13. Rinse and repeat. Only there is always some shit residue that never seems to wash away.
  14. I wear glasses to see far away, and I have readers. Also, just found out I have two types of arthritis, a hernia and terrible reflux. I need a burger and a sweet tea.
  15. You are getting closer to reaching that goal. It sucks. Packard being an idiot. Fuggs ranting about her bipolar vagina. And that's about it.
  16. i went to the doctor today, which is kind of a big deal for me, since I don't really do doctors. Got five new medications. The joys of being old.
  17. Oh yeah.
  18. If it's not raw, then what are we even doing here?
  19. Once you get to DF, you will either live there, or never venture there. I'd suggest never venturing there.
  20. Not a credit card, but a debit card nightmare. We traveled from Georgia to Pennsylvania a few years ago. Went through South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, D.C., Maryland, then Pennsylvania. We spent money in each state along the way. The next morning we went to eat, and after our meal, went to pay and it was declined. I had no cash. I'm freaking out, because I know we had a lot of money in the bank. I called my bank and they said they suspended our account because it was an out of state transaction. But we spent money in each state leading up to PA. They unsuspended it once I verified it was in fact us using the damn card. I thought I was gonna be washing dishes to cover our meal for a minute.
  21. I do not envy you, but it will be busy here too. Not as busy as your day though. Bed sheets and towels to wash. Cook. That's about it.
  22. Eat moist clam hoohah.
  23. Zeni will be hanging out at Starbucks now, waiting on the kids.
  24. Never heard of it.
  25. I remember beating those games early on, but Double Dragon 2 took some work. It was a proud moment for me.
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