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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. I can't see a doctor letting a woman die in a situation like that, either - but I can see them being charged for it as well.
  2. See, boys and girls? This is why we should always credit our sources.
  3. It's got nothing to do with the doctor knowing and everything to do with the courts conceding. Remember, there are legislators in this country who believe that an ectopic pregnancy can be reimplanted in the uterus.
  4. It is poor form not to credit an author one is quoting, no matter what the time or location.
  5. Of course, one had to have consent from one's husband first.
  6. No, it's just that about the 97th time you hear it....
  7. There were a lot of worsts, which was why I liked it.
  8. I don't know. I used to pop into IB occasionally, and I always found it more hostile than Rants. Sounds counter intuitive, maybe, but in Rants, we were assholes, we knew we were assholes, and anybody who wanted to be an asshole with us was welcome. There were cliques; there are always cliques, but there was plenty of room for free-range assholes, too. In IB, I always felt like there was a secret password that I didn't know, and getting said password would be more of a hassle than my welcome-to-rants curbstomping was.
  9. Menopause is a beautiful thing. 😇
  10. I got a nosebleed one time when I was changing a bed-bound patient's sheets. All over my whites, all over the bed, all over the patient...the girl I was working with couldn't decide whether to be scared about all of the blood pouring out of my face or pissed about the mess. After that, getting my period at work was kind of anticlimactic.
  11. @K_N 🍻🎂🍻
  12. Like it ever does?
  13. Is she a nurse or a tech? Just curious; in my experience, the techs had more interaction with the patients, especially when it came to communicating with the outside world. (Granted, I haven't been inpatient in about 20 years, so I'm sure that things have changed...)
  14. We had this discussion in FFA - it's no stronger than any other coffee, their directions just tell you to use twice as much. I don't mind it, but it's not my favorite; my son in law is fond of it now and again. You want strong, you need Cafe Bustelo. I've never seen it in anything besides an espresso grind, and it packs both taste and a pretty good jolt of caffeine. The problem is, although it's fine going down, once it hits your stomach, it's pretty much kyrie eleison until it exits. And that's my nightshift gut - I'm not quite sure what it would do to yours beyond it being unpleasant.
  15. My daughter found one in Albany, too. We may take DeeDee with us.
  16. Watch it, you ageist brat! There are a lot of us who cheered when Roe v. Wade was decided, and just because we're out of the gene pool doesn't mean we don't care about what happens to our daughters and granddaughters.
  17. The point is that every sperm is sacred, but the incubators not so much. Then and now.
  18. Unfortunately, most herbal concoctions that cause abortion can also result in kidney or liver damage or death, but hey, we're women - it's not like we make sperm or anything.
  19. No, the 1850s. We are losing control of our bodies - how long before we lose other rights? Maybe the court will next address whether letting us have the vote was a mistake?
  20. I'll bite - what are they? (Please expect a certain amount of skepticism - my inpatient charts alone probably weigh about twice what you do.)
  21. My first job was in Malone, NY,which is about 11 miles south of the border. I had a friend who lived a little out of town whose back yard backed up to the border; the only thing between her and Canada was a low hedge.
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