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Everything posted by new_disease

  1. some people are into that probably 🤔
  2. well tbh that was a lie they've made their debut before but i think it's been long enough that they've faded into obscurity because of how much people upload
  3. But the longer the wait the more satisfying it'll be when you get what you want
  4. I can predict I will make a tasty cake at some point
  5. I don't think I'm ready for my stuff to make its internet debut
  6. do you mean the kind I watch or homemade stuff
  7. but i'm all excited now
  8. I'd hit subscribe to that channel
  9. thats an ultra fast mlem right there
  10. Thanks, I wouldn't say I can play 4 instruments though. I can do piano decently i took it 4 years in college, and guitar I'm pretty much starting from square 1 since i'm playing regularly for the first time after breaking my index finger. and bass and harmonica i'm doing on my free time to learn since I pretty much mainly want to learn them for like 1 specific song each. But hey you've been playing guitar longer than I have. Better to know one instrument very well than be shitty at multiple ones i'd say 😛
  11. I'll be honest Idk what that means I've just seen that phrase thrown around
  12. Lets short some stocks
  13. It's never too late to learn again. Local music stores could have good deals on instrument rentals. One near me has a rent-to-own program where money puts towards renting an instrument counts as credit towards purchasing it and psh dirty clothes need to accessorize too
  14. Hell yeah and I was good at it. I wanted to do saxophone but there were already like 5 classmates that chose it and the music teacher talked me into picking clarinet so the class could have a diverse range of instruments. Kinda wish I kept up with it as I grew up. But I can do piano and guitar these days and am working on bass and harmonica also to stay on topic, will you bless us with your sticker collection one day. I'd like to think you have them in those plastic protector sheets like the ones people would put their pokemon or yu gi oh cards in
  15. I still have music stickers on the dresser I've had since I was like 9. If i remember correctly I got from when I played the clarinet in elementary school. They were the only ones I put on anything I used to keep all my stickers in a binder
  16. Psh only until Despacito 2 gets released
  17. yeah, that time when I was left with only the dark chocolate pieces
  18. Ooooh walmart cashier lady 👀 let us know how it pans out if you go for it
  19. Maybe it's tootsie pop flavored
  20. Mayans are still around, next time I go to Mexico I'll ask
  21. Find one and go for it, take out that aggression 😤
  22. I've got a dad bod now, I'll have to sit this out and leave it to the rest of you to do the sending
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