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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. For the 1st time in my life I am not worried about a thing. This is ME saying this...me so anxious and having such bad clinical anxiety is pushed me to begging bucket for xanax LOL I FEEL GREAT! is it the thyroid meds? I dunno. But i got all up in my supervisors face this week...i cussed out my team lead this week...Why?! partly because I HAVE NO ANXIETY AND DIDNT GIVE A SHIT ABT LOSING MY JOB! I mean my anxiety was so bad i kissed so much ass thinking id lose that stupid job and lose everything... Now im like FUCK DAT JOB Now i DO love the job but i know I'll be fine without it Wow...so is this how most people feel? I love it. Its great! I hope it lasts! Please let it last! I dont see me ever stopping these thyroid pills (just in case theyre the culprit) GET YER THYROIDS CHECKED!
  2. Ginguy posting about human rights 🤣🤣🤣
  3. I dont know who that is and im glad.
  4. I fit but it hurts my knees getting out 😭🤣
  5. I saw cannabis laced arthritic gloves at kmart today.
  6. I do kegels on the guy during the act
  7. 😯
  8. Says someone driving a teenagers car living in a 1 bedroom apartment 🤣🤣🤣
  9. You ever have someone give u this deep intense look and you wonder if they wanna kill you or if they wanna fuck you? I dunno...abt 30 mins ago before i left he started randomly talking to me abt his schedule getting messed up. 😳
  10. No he can't
  11. Yah it do. Especially cuz he said stop getting so mad cuz nothing there mattered.
  12. It wasnt abt anyone else. I was disputing a QA where they failed me because the customer didn't answer an outbound call. Its just plain stupid.
  13. Apparently I give better BJs than most women? I tried to asked what all these other girls be doing wrong but i was told to quit asking and continue sucking that dick.
  14. Lol it actually did...exact quote from manager "I dont agree with all the rules either and think they don't make sense but thats what i accepted when i took this job."
  15. No its not. I posted my responses to shit..one post of mine got 400 likes and i posted it here.
  16. 🙄 He doth protest too much
  17. I hear u abt people who work a lot not understanding politics. Whenever im arguing on Facebook and saying this and that about Trump most of his followers never heard abt most of the stuff trump has done...cause they dont have the time to watch the news and when they do its fox news which doesnt even report half of the worst things trump does. They also dont read ...never taken a college philosophy or sociology course...and those people all doing all the voting in this country...the ill informed and undereducated...and its scary.
  18. I only get a&w
  19. Root beer is better..but like bnmjy i only drink it once in a blue moon
  20. Id just go reddit and Facebook. Probably talk to a lot more smarter people, too.
  21. He called mh a twink. How does he know gay terms like that? I bet hes lusting after rogue and mh now.
  22. Exposed myself as bipolar on Facebook to all my family
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