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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. Can you beweave it?
  2. You do know imma hurt her if she mess up my sewing machine
  3. lol just get him whatever age appropriate. He'll appreciate it All madison wants is pokemon stuff. Trying to get her out the house and more active so i got her skates
  4. You don't think that might be a little intimidating? I had one at her age and i fucked it up
  5. Got madison the following today: Inline skates Helmet Knee and elbow pads Seflie journal Battleship board game Would have got a lot more but kmart cancelled layaway Still gonna get: Creative cafe Fiesty pet Microscope Kids sewing machine I might go back and get the sewing machine today cuz i think we only have a couple. I got a bunch of toiletries and everything even the skates and stuff was only $125 lol
  6. Yes. They lasted a good 30 mins as i struggled to get back fully awake. I could hear my kid and mom but was like..trapped..? In my mind. And it was tricking me, too. Like i kept dreaming i was awake and having vivid hallucinations...but my sheets were a whole different color so i realized i was still napping. Last time it kinda happened before i woke up for real and saw all this scribble on the wall. It didnt take me until looking at the wall the next day to realize i was hallucinating while awake...so thats when i had my meds increased. So it has crossed over into my conscience state before but not today.
  7. Oh misread. Yah theyre scary for me cuz i dont think i was THAT sleepy or fatigued but my mind wanted to go all helter skelter. Its a new symptom that popped up this year.
  8. You crazy as hell, bitch Lol no Seriously...thats good u enjoyed them..they scare the bejesus outta me
  9. Its not bothering my everyday life so no reason to tell my doctor
  10. Yah This is another example of how I definitely work with a bunch of idiots. Trust i already thought of all the reasons it seems distasteful.
  11. Right! I can see it going bad. And i bet the already really skinny people are going to complain. I know exactly who is gonna say something...this dude who barely eats and ALWAYS complains But its from October to December and ill probably lose like 40 to 50 lbs...ill kick myself if someone wins with less than that Probably wont play cuz i dont look my size and i really dont want ny weight out there like that
  12. Girl. LOL U should fast with me and athena!
  13. I hear u on that. Thats why i gained a lot of weight...changing from call center 9-5...to a wildly changing retail schedule and not being able to work out like a normal person. Never again. Unless my thyroid improves and gives me a crazy good metabolism. Doubt it tho
  14. Looks close...i dont see my google mentioning being able to feel stuff too tho. I just decided to get up and clean. Fucking brain wanting to be over active. Ugh.
  15. U ever think your bed hair looks cute?
  16. Thinking i should have gotten the gold one
  17. Dude crowd surfing dead for several hours. Dad of 3 in Ohio missing. Last words: "just going out for a pack of cigs."
  18. Looks ok I gotta try it on after i shower I wanted to wear it on fucking meet ups but its too short. Well..nah..ill wear it with legging...yah ..that work I like it!
  19. Theyre ok when your in bed with your eyes closed right? I wouldn't call them dreams because theyre happening as soon as i close my eyes....seeing all kinds of stuff..hearing and feeling The culptrit like usual... being sleepy during the day
  20. 82 in 60 Got my 5th warning suckaaaassssss
  21. Lol man shut the hell up stilgar
  22. i wrote this song in '94
  23. Should I join? I kind of dont want the whole call center to know what i weigh. ..but I could win money!
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