It's to guilt trip you into not having too much and then making you feel bad so you give more money to the church
2. Gluttony
Fat shaming you. And making you feel pious when you can't afford to eat well so that you are less likely to ask for your fair share or eat all that youd like every once in a while.
3. Covet neighbors wife/ partner
To keep you from fucking the neighbor and having kids by her then another mans inheritance goes to your kid. Also bred out of people's insecurities
4. Lust
To make us feel guilty for having natural sexual urges, then more people come to church, the church gets more money
5. Wrath
To keep us from killing...but u know there are times some people deserve it. People are generally safer with the more dangerous heartless psychopaths being put to death.
6. Envy
So you be happy with you got and not notice the church or other people have more than you. So you dont complain and even poor people give to the church
7. Pride
Then when u are doing well or have enough they dont want you to go and appreciate it. This is another guilt trip to keep you lower than the church and ensure your presence there and keeps you giving money to the church