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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. I missed this. Wtf. CREEP ALERT
  2. Is the room literally spinning? Cuz that literally happened once to me and thered be no way i could post with the whole world spinning on its axis like that lol
  3. Just finished laundry. All the nasty old men there kept trying to talk to me and were staring me down becuz my dumbass went there with a face full of makeup. Abt to poop for the first time in too many days. Bought this on sale for $3 just in time for this special occasion.
  4. Why are white people like this?
  5. Wow yeah and they do that. Force their ideas on others like they need that as reinforcement when all that shit is is a power play
  6. Who still buys movies lol
  7. Ugh im afraid of bars but i need to get back out there. Most of the people i meet online just wanna sleep with me exception being Brett
  8. Wow a 10? Niiiccceeee. How long u been together? Howd u meet? Does she cum hard all over yer hammer! Im happy for you!
  9. So? Im dating a white boy right now who looks like Clark Kent and in his 20s. Is she at least cute?
  10. He looks slimmer and healthier. Is this an old video?
  11. Mannn...nevermind. fuck this movie! Now i have a headache!
  12. This guy
  13. The pizza and sald sucked. My mom cooked and is pissed. About to go box it up for lunch tomorrow. Watching Dark Phoenix. It finally went down in pricing. I dont care if everyone hated it..im enjoying it!
  14. Nice. Now thhhaaaatsss how you Sunday Waiting for my pizza and greek salad i ordered on bitesquad. They are offering free delivery this week.
  15. Yah. So hate when that happens...
  16. Make up trial and fail Gonna try some more...doesn't look good
  17. Trying this new mascara thats supposed to make your lashes soooo long. Well it did shit for me and I wasted 20 bucks
  18. These demons on both sides? If not, who is fighting thess demons and how r they qualified?
  19. Helping madison address and mail her first letter to her best friend.
  20. Are also the most evil devil filled people i know Like my aunt goes to church every single sunday. Shes a pathological liar who lied to my cousin who i was close to and ruined our relationship and i havent talked to her in 2 years
  21. U look much older is why he mentioned u
  22. Reddit found Zeni Zeni found God
  23. I like the op being structured in the same way as so and so found Jesus LOL
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