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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. Not into crystals sorry not yet anyway im sure there are plenty websites to help u. I dont do good with talismans. They always disappear and it creeps me out.
  2. No i hope its really bad lol jk Just something simple and they can give me meds. My doctor is always doing major tests for simple shit cuz i got good insurance.
  3. I know most of the users here are low vibration. Just stay out of this thread lol
  4. I took so many naps in my car when i was working and going to school. I scared this girl once. She said she thought i was dead lol
  5. I am so excited. I cant wait for them to start me on some thyroid meds so i can really lose all this weight. It should help with the depression, too, right?
  6. I didnt make it to whole foods. I hate myself. Maybe tomorrow? I need turtle food and whole foods is right down the street.
  7. Did it blow a fuse or something? I was using this well nice new air compressor and now my cell phone charger thingie wont work in it Or is this a warranty issue? Rogue?
  8. Eating salmon for lunch. Already full and i have this much left.
  9. I want a condo one day. I am not a house person. Thankfully my cuzin is a realtor and can help someone get into pretty much anything shes so good. And i can trust her. Probably in another 5 years.
  10. Im usually never sleepy. Upside of being crazy.
  11. How do u know they unfollowed you? And why are they unfollowing you?
  12. Whole foods has it. Now to get the motivation to take my depressed ass there *sigh*
  13. Im craving grass fed ground beef burger bad Where do they sell this? Food Market?
  14. I never put all my eggs in one basket!
  15. Its Sunday nite. Get it together.
  16. Finished showering. No desire to sleep and hot. Watching movie about sex trafficking
  17. Trying to find the motivation to shower. Mentally preparing for work tomorrow. Mentally preparing for the week.
  18. Post your abs
  19. You should travel with me. No stress. Everyone gets to do what they want most. No arguing. Just fun, quiet or good convo. Dang, i need to plan a trip soon.
  20. I can't remember any man arguing with me. They all do what I say or we compromise
  21. I have a thing abt certain men's voices and hands. Someone made a video for me talking dirty and doing things with his hands omg if i ever fell the mojo dying or i wanna get off quickly because of bad anxiety, that vid always does the trick. It sometimes makes me a little too horny tho Other things: Be reliable and loyal Work hard Shave his crotch Make pleasing and satisfying a woman his priority Be an open book Be funny Not stop talking to me after we boink Leave Dont talk too much
  22. Its "institution"
  23. Were they good clothes? They have really sexy shirts for cheap and in my size. I need loads of hoe clothes cuz im starting to get back out there. All my clothes are so prudish and frumpy omg i don't know what i was thinking
  24. Ive given up sweets for life pretty much but my brain cells are eating up the visuals
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