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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. He'll be fine. Madison went age 4 and no mishaps.
  2. my kmart is closing i think i might go back and work the close out so i dont have to do any of their stupid credit card sales or royalty program offers. .just get people out there door
  3. procrastinating on getting up to pee. Drank 30 oz... 30 something more ta go!
  4. at tmobile, i was a pretty good rep at the call center but i was borderlining. at tmo, other coworkers were all up in each others business and all over each others numbers, so i tried to do well but not too well as to have to deal with their drama and jealously we bidded for schedules and the best reps got the most coveted schedules but we also bid for our managers and we tried to avoid the worst ones well, i really wanted the best schedule so i bid for and got m-f weekends off BUT with the scariest manager renowned for being extremely difficult to work with well, long story short, - she ended up trying to write me up as non performing. i dont know why, but for some reason this pissed me off considerably. i remember being in the meeting with her just scowling. and youd think she'd get even meaner and tougher back.. .but she didnt! She shrank from me and kept looking at me like i was crazy!! i signed her stupid paper and went back to work and didnt hear anything of it. i eventually go to another team. so when u are written up, you dont get merit increases... so i asked my new manager how much longer i was going to be under the verbal well she goes to look it up and says theres no write up on file! i think i scared the first manager from even putting that shit in the system LOL!!! -end fuggese story
  5. nuh uh. i remember having a mental breakdown the semester i took business calculus....nnnnnnnnooooo thank you (uh.. dont have a breakdown like me.. hang in there!!)
  6. fuggstop


    laugh react this man!!
  7. fuggstop


    BOL Boy if u dont hush!
  8. fuggstop


    This commercial makes me want to kill more than video games. LETS PLAY!!!!!! *EYES LIGHT UP RED*
  9. Working 🙄
  10. oh no! i forgot to wake up Green Day!! but seriously... i dont know whether to be happy or surprised this year is almost over.. i am both ready and not ready for 2020!!
  11. Oh god sex requires a bruised cervix after the act and @Shiina cant accomplish that with his 4 incher unfortunately.
  12. So happy for u two. What a beautiful relationship!
  13. And they didnt invite moi? *insulted*
  14. Ok then im an empath and it sucks Some empath people i know act like its so overwhelming and they cant stand people or whatever. Like they take it way too far. I can just pick up on what people are feeling easily but they show it in their faces, voices and body language. People dont hide that shit these days at all. They carry everything on their sleeve. Oh and i should say here that i cant do this with text messages very well lol you have to be in the room with me
  15. Bed is made. Way easier than i expected. I was done and looking around for what i must have forgotten because it was way easier than i had it in my head lol this also happens when i struggle to shower then finally do it LOL
  16. U need to strengthen your back. Also look into if u need a better mattress. My back took awhile to get used to a new mattress but now i have zero back issues...at one pt i was worried id need surgery.
  17. You have abt a 2 hour window before the baby explodes. Not everyone is good at it, either. Thats why you get crying babies at restaurants,etc
  18. Boy please find something better to occupy your time. That is the past time of ugly people who never get laid!
  19. People never fucking appreciate what they have.
  20. The Black woman has surpassed the Black man. 🙄 And im supposed to be the mentally ill one and he's the psychonormative one. LOL Still mad he grew up with a genius sister. Well damn, how much do i have to keep apologizing? I almost said "dry those tears up with all your money , mr. 800+ credit score, six figure income AND dual income household" JEEZUS Next time he calls, im not answering.
  21. Ive been running around and sweating like a pig. I bought a new air compressor with digital reading that i love! Have to make my bed which i just figured out how to make on my own but its a lot of work. Fighting for the motivation to do it.
  22. The grimyness makes the orgasm better. I had a guy want to come boink at my job and boy i regret not doing it. Those bathrooms were really nice tho (to stave off all the suicidal tendencies of the job lol)
  23. Niiiice. Need to be this on my to do list. I havent had oh god level sex in too long.
  24. That lil thing vibration cant even jolt paper. Get outta thread.
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