at tmobile, i was a pretty good rep at the call center but i was borderlining.
at tmo, other coworkers were all up in each others business and all over each others numbers, so i tried to do well but not too well as to have to deal with their drama and jealously
we bidded for schedules and the best reps got the most coveted schedules but we also bid for our managers and we tried to avoid the worst ones
well, i really wanted the best schedule so i bid for and got m-f weekends off BUT with the scariest manager renowned for being extremely difficult to work with
well, long story short, - she ended up trying to write me up as non performing. i dont know why, but for some reason this pissed me off considerably. i remember being in the meeting with her just scowling. and youd think she'd get even meaner and tougher back.. .but she didnt! She shrank from me and kept looking at me like i was crazy!!
i signed her stupid paper and went back to work and didnt hear anything of it. i eventually go to another team.
so when u are written up, you dont get merit increases... so i asked my new manager how much longer i was going to be under the verbal
well she goes to look it up and says theres no write up on file!
i think i scared the first manager from even putting that shit in the system LOL!!!
-end fuggese story