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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. I ended up not being able to sleep and didn't go to work. Crab fries.
  2. Thyroid ultrasound completed. Get results monday.
  3. Oh i gave up on eating. Drinking water now.
  4. No i always hated that song
  5. Ok but im not full. Im trying to eat enuff to last 24 hours and i just cant. Yesterday i didnt even eat enough..500 calories...to absorb my medicine. Im force feeding myself to eat and drink water. I just wanna sleep lol
  6. I think something else might be going on..not just the fasting. Great being a basketcase! Im at the buffet and i already want to leave. This is as far as i got on my first plate.
  7. I think as a friend u should try to see things how im seeing them and step outside yer own reality...but its whatever. Women never do that. They all want it all. More than most men are capable of giving. Then thats when u get the insincerity, lies and cheating. Let me know what i start going THAT silly female route.
  8. Of course imma be defensive when u saying a bunch of weird unrealistic stuff. I would understand if i was up here complaining about basic bitch bullshit like i slept with him and he didnt call me WHYYYYY That shit doesn't and has never happened to me. I know exactly what im doing most of the time LOL Whats wrong with being in the military now? U know im a military brat, right? Born right on base. Thats why i respect those guys and understand what they are dealing with and its not easy.
  9. I don't know what he has going on which is why I asked him repeatedly. Men leave women for someone else all the time. Or just leave them period. All. The. Time. Hes not married to her and obviously keeps weighing his options. Did someone hurt your feelings or something? Why come for me? Im just bored and manic and this is how i choose to occupy my time. Im posting abt EVERYTHING..not just guys. And some of them are great. I know you hate men and i guess you default to them all being horrible but i grew up with males and was raised by men and i have a better in depth knowledge of what motivates them....yes mostly sex...but they have hearts too...no matter how much they try to shut them off or deny their true feelings. So its funny to me. These men/boys arent hurting my feelings and im having a good time entertaining ALL of them and my expectations for each are different and based on their capabilities as individuals. They arent lying to me, fooling me or womanizing me. No one is promising me anything or tricking me out of anything thats not already on the table. Now the mh thing should have been a one time thing. U ask any of us and we'd both say us going at each other for so long was unforeseen and unwanted and i doubt either of us understands it all really...he dont need me for sex...nevet did and always saw others...i dont need him and always saw others...but we seem to have a good time with each other *shrug* cant read more into that...the pt is....no womanizing is going on. The man is telling every woman hes married and wants to stay that way and letting women choose to deal with him. I actually prefer and persue mostly single men and good guys. I dont hook up with everyone and choose who i want to deal with and on what level. No one is fooling me into anything or gaming me. I dont have a false perception of my stance with guys and say for instance.... would ask a man looking for sex to completely change and want to get married or whatever. Big issue i keep coming upon is at the end id rather be alone than married to someone who is only gonna put restrictions on what im allowed to do. If i wanted to stop sleeping around and marry someone, i can make that happen in no time at all...plenty waiting in the sidelines for that too...making loads of moola too. So chill and dont take stuff so seriously. Are u a lil insecure abt your relationship? We can talk if u want but dont go reading too much into mines. What u need to learn abt me being male minded and most men in general is that theres not much depth...take things at face value unless told otherwise.
  10. Ive never slept with him when he had a gf. We just talk. I dont know what yer going on about lol Byyyee
  11. lol thats why you dont sleep around 1.unprotected or 2. With drug addicts Find someone still innocent and who is open and talks a lot. Also it helps if theyre younger. Then u fuck them with the lights on and really check their junk out. Anyway...been with many many men and no STDs yet. Just yeast infections in the past from cross contamination. Glad u still have some money. Let me know if u get in a desperate situation. I will help and not ask for anything back if i can!
  12. I was once working with my friend's baby momma who hated her but kept fucking her. I was fucking him on and off. He was engaged to someone else but fucked her and got her pregnant a SECOND time. He fucked me too and i was pregnant and thought maybe he was 20% possibly the father. So me and his baby momma...me who he loved and talked to all the time...and her who he hated and only paid attention to when horny...well me and her were at the SAME job on the SAME team. We had little pow wows about him after work. One of which she was crying about how much she loved him and said he said he would take her out on a date...keep in mind she wasnt supposed to be at that level at all because he hated her. Also he and i were going out eating and hanging out at each other's houses fucking and shit. Well i would eventually stopped hanging out with him telling him to fall back off me cuz i wanted to focus on mh (dumb mistake) esp cuz mh was acting out cuz i was pregnant or whatever or who knows his motivations. Anyway...i ALMOST was friends with her and even asked my friend why he hated her cuz "she wasn't so bad". But she ended up spreading lies to the team that my friend was her husband making it look like i was going behind her back talking to her husband LOL some stupid coworker said "why you talking to her husband?" Like i said...those people were all way up in my business even tho i never talked to them. I didnt even try to explain much but had a big hearty laugh and said "that is NOT her husband". LOL Then i had a white baby and all hell broke loose. I mostly blame her for making my work environment so hostile. Of course she quit like 2 months later cuz shes trash and incapable of keeping a job.
  13. Shut up bitch pull more cards than u. Dont playa hate! U got a job yet, motherfucker?
  14. Not man lonely lol Lonely for my friends. And really..i posted that just after a man left my house...sooo....
  15. Coffee-Lots of cream and sugar Dick- lots of cream
  16. My kmart is extremely well maintained and has all kinds of great deals regularly.
  17. Aw man i miss long john silvers! Carey hilliards too!
  18. Some netflix romcom made people notice it. She should fire her manager for failing at properly promoting her stuff.
  19. I must really like him if i fell for him in spite of mh hanging around lol But he was an even bigger loser who refused to work. Now hes gone back to work making great money but he refuses to dump his almost 50 year old gf but keeps stalking my FB constantly..then getting drunk and sending me messages. Let's see how crazy i can drive him LOL
  20. Boy i lucked out this time LOL Im taking him around town. He just moved here last month. Its not weird if I drive is it? My car is clean. LOL (discovered free car vaccum place!)
  21. They are a dick for me to bounce on. Eyes to adore me. Big muscly arms to hug me. 🤗
  22. I have them right where I want them.
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