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Everything posted by MasqueradeOverture

  1. This. Best SNL episode in a minute. Was supposed to go to a bar to see the fight, but that plan never materialized.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0JTl2fVqF8
  3. I for one am very glad the Tachicomas are nowhere to be found. So annoying. It's still possible for them to be in the movie, but just as a transportation device like in the '95 movie and not speaking.
  4. http://consequenceofsound.net/2016/11/kraftwerk-concert-canceled-due-to-buenos-aires-synthesizer-ban/ Argentina...bro...no-one's gonna O.D. on Molly during "Trans-Europe Express," aight?
  5. Ah...now this folder is reminding me of when ASMB wasn't a total shitshow.
  6. Man that would be one hell of a way to finish Miyazaki's career.
  7. Didn't expect much from it as I've developed a hatred for the type of stories Shinkai usually tells, but I really liked this. 'Twas delightful. Also liked how it randomly took place in the 70's.
  8. Inception seemed to hate everything that wasn't in his tiny bubble of approval, which would be bad enough if it weren't for the fact that anyone who either disliked or liked more than the 5 shows he liked had shit taste. Little piece of shit like that can't be taken seriously (I also seriously question the integrity of any anime fan that refuses to watch pre-millinenium cel-painted shows).
  9. For people who don't spend their hard earned podcast time with Bill Burr or Marc Maron, some new shit:
  10. http://boards.staging.adultswim.com/
  11. .
  12. Trailer is...meh (even though Depeche Mode + GITS = YES). Though, according to this leaked scene, all my worrying has stopped:
  13. Do you really want them to rush it? I don't doubt it'll be out by sometime next year, but I hope the extra time allows them to adapt enough material to tighten the pacing up a little.
  14. It makes you a bitch.
  15. I did hear Toei did their own remaster in the past year; but aside from the lack of ghosting/aliasing problems, I gathered they looked exactly the same as Viz's as an upscale is the best they could get (Toei threw out the original film masters). Although only in SD, I've heard people say Italy had the best looking SM DVDs.
  16. And it looks like they're starting to release the movies too: Good to see they used a decent master for this, unlike the rest of the Viz set.
  17. Eh. He kinda did pull a George by following his dick and not blowing up 18.
  18. WEEKLY FAULCONER REMINDER: For the ultimate Kai experience, click here: mega.co.nz/#F!9d4jkYzR!CPlPL10_HQw3y6mAWBVxnQ Under Part 8 Beta, there's a folder labeled F which has all the Faulconer mixes for those episodes (episodes 89 - 98). Choose "Kai93F.ac3." If you have VLC player, it should play upon clicking.
  19. ^ Sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
  20. ^ I'm just saying that because every other word Serj types on social media is "THE GENOCIDE WAS REAL!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1111!!!!!!1!!!"
  21. But one of his girlfriends did walk out on him while visiting a beach-side house. "I was in the water! It shrinks!!!"
  22. Is the George Costanza of anime.
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