I think the genocide of all humanity would be of best interest for everyone.
Still not as ideal as creating a black hole at CERN and reversing the existence of the universe, but it'd be a step in the right direction.
Maybe it was less of a case of DeMarco not wanting it on and more of it being too expensive at the time?
I feel like there could be a chance now; maybe to air both seasons back to back upon this new one's release...but I could also very well be delusional.
I am thankful for nothing.
I didn't ask to exist. I will never forgive my parents for forcing me into the universe; one that was a massive mistake.
The Big Bang was (and still is) the greatest tragedy known to all things.
It's more of a Caribbean & South American thing than Mexican. Cubans make the best plantains (and I'm not just saying that because I'm Cuban).
Now that I think about it, I don't believe I've ever seen plantains at a Mexican restaurant.
I start my new retail job this week.
Couldn't have picked a worse week, could I? Though in all fairness, who stampedes a speaker shop on Black Friday anyways?