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Everything posted by MasqueradeOverture

  1. I think the genocide of all humanity would be of best interest for everyone. Still not as ideal as creating a black hole at CERN and reversing the existence of the universe, but it'd be a step in the right direction.
  2. I just want a fucking Kenshin Blu-ray release dammit.
  3. Maybe it was less of a case of DeMarco not wanting it on and more of it being too expensive at the time? I feel like there could be a chance now; maybe to air both seasons back to back upon this new one's release...but I could also very well be delusional.
  4. ^ That's the greatest fucking thing I've seen all week.
  5. They forgot to totally kill the boards: http://boards.staging.adultswim.com/ It's a homunculus. It must die.
  6. That would be correct, yes.
  7. We did. Then Videl turned you into a little bitch.
  8. I am thankful for nothing. I didn't ask to exist. I will never forgive my parents for forcing me into the universe; one that was a massive mistake. The Big Bang was (and still is) the greatest tragedy known to all things.
  9. Is this where Anno announces Miyazaki co-directing the last Evangelion movie?
  10. It's about dead even imo.
  11. Yes. Very, very bad.
  12. You can be Puerto Rican and still be a white frat bro.
  13. Pre-Castro (a.k.a "White") Cuban. Most people say I look Italian.
  14. The only way I'll ever watch Keijo!!!!!!!! is if there's a scissor battle.
  15. It's more of a Caribbean & South American thing than Mexican. Cubans make the best plantains (and I'm not just saying that because I'm Cuban). Now that I think about it, I don't believe I've ever seen plantains at a Mexican restaurant.
  16. "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-a-Dee-Ay, Women are inferior in every way..."
  17. Toonami Faithful's doing small recaps of this: I kinda like the Cortana meets Tinkerbell concept for SARA. Gonna need to get used to it though.
  18. Admit it, you guys had sexual tension. Good to hear that Gman and Syon have finally embraced Nihilism.
  19. I start my new retail job this week. Couldn't have picked a worse week, could I? Though in all fairness, who stampedes a speaker shop on Black Friday anyways?
  20. Desktop guy. Only really use my laptop for work, so no.
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