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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. That would actually be a really cool thing. Even seeing a blood transfusion would be neat just to see how they'd handle it. I wonder if we'll get a COVID-19 episode. 🤔
  2. Why the fuck would I listen to Thomas fucking Jefferson??
  3. I don't care for Dragonball so I never watched it, but if you mean the one that loves to murder germs then sure.
  4. I honestly think they are about the same lookswise. Honestly I would have just done a Heroes for Hire show.
  5. It was really good and even educational to a point. I would recommend it. White Blood Cell was one of my favorite characters last year.
  6. This is just a depressing blow. I actually didn't know about his break a few years ago because I was out of the loop. I knew he wasn't in much for a while, but I assumed it was just a natural cycle thing. I was honestly taken aback by the news.
  7. I didn't know this was starting this season. Oh boy I'm so behind on everything but this has been on my radar since they announced it. Guess I'll have to start it regardless.
  8. If it's not a proper adaptation of Tokyo Babylon or the ending to X then they can keep it.
  9. Nippon Budokan is an arena. The Beatles famously played there in the 60s.
  10. They did the same thing when Dr. Stone came out. Hell they bought a Times Square billboard for it. I mean of course they're going to push titles they make more money from. That how it works. Why do you think Netflix always does that bigass ad you see when you open it for their new show every time it drops?
  11. Smile at the Runway 2
  12. Depression mostly.
  13. *Usagi voice* Tuxedo Kamen-sama~! But that was back when I was in like the 4th grade watching DiC Sailor Moon episodes at like 5AM. After I got into anime on my own and knew what it was.... hmmm... probably Urahara from Bleach.
  14. Kabukicho Sherlock 15
  15. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! 3-4
  16. I did see the first episode and I really enjoyed it. I'm already behind on everything again lol, but I agree I like that at least at first glance it's not a romance series.
  17. Why does it matter? If you don't like it and other people do, just accept it and dip. I mean I don't know why kale is popular, but I don't sit around and think about it.
  18. Who do you think made it? After Shabody I admittedly cooled a lot on One Piece. I understand that there's an epic story to be told, but it should still feel like it's about the Straw Hats place in it because a lot of times they feel like side characters in their own series.
  19. Maybe I was wrong earlier. Maybe you do care what other peoples opinions are.
  20. He said I was being subtle. Thought I'd be more straight forward.
  21. Why does Poke have to subtweet me?
  22. Magical Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Side Story 2 Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! 2
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