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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. This is all about 15 years too late, but at least it's finally happening.
  2. Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Arc 7-8
  3. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 17
  4. Not in any specific order...
  5. The Rising of the Shield Hero 3 The Promised Neverland 3
  6. Since they started mixing LA and Texas actors? Yes. Nothing ruins something for me faster than him popping up. I don't watch movies with certain actors and I don't get invested in dubs unless I know there's a 100% certainty he's not in it. Fuck Vic and fuck his enabling fans.They can all die in a goddamn fire.
  7. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 16
  8. Yeah I believe it all. I was on Livejournal back during the Miniskirt Army and Risembool Rangers were a thing. There were gatekeepers who made sure only certain types of people were welcomed into those groups which were heavily involved in conventions and Vic always made sure he was surrounded by them. It was super weird and off putting and I'm fucking glad Travis got the fuck out of there tbh. There is absolutely no way CLAMP told him shit about shit. Anyone who has any kind of familiarity with their work knows how they code things in their stories to include LGBT romance in their stories. (Also their art has always been weirdly proportioned. They went from airplane shoulders to noodle limbs.) He's always come across as a creepy asshole in general and from the stories I've heard he can fuck off. He's pretty much the reason I stopped watching dubs. I was out of the anime scene when the Ouran dub came out, but I can only imagine what kind of creepy shit he pulled with those fans. He was bad enough with the FMA fans without adding in an "excuse" for him to invade someone's personal space by playing up Tamaki.
  9. Attack on Titan: A Choice Without Regrets 1-2 [END]
  10. Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga 3 Attack on Titan OVA 1-3 [END]
  11. Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga 1-2
  12. I care about this one even less than the 2016 one. At least that one had Kate McKinnon.
  13. The Rise of the Shield Hero 2 The Promised Neverland 2 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 15 One Piece 605
  14. It's true. He's adorable and my favorite. I don't even care that he's filler. It also helps that in Japan he was TomoSeki so ❤❤
  15. "Ending" Right. Sure.
  16. One Piece 930 My Hero Academia 213
  17. I like it. It looks much much better on my Chrome new tab than that big U.
  18. I watched some of it while it was airing on Lifetime and it's not for me.
  19. Attack on Titan 23-25 [END]
  20. Attack on Titan 20-21
  21. Attack on Titan 16-19
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