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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. You know what I have to apologize to you ghostrek, I have no idea what I was thinking, i must have been drunk or something. You're right.
  2. It is here, this was just a funny name change that reminded me of gnome, he always called me RDW in chat and it confused me for a second every time. My first name here was GreatBallsofJizz so I could laugh extra hard at my first thread titled goodness gracious. Funny you and Vintage kept in touch, he was not who I expected off board, just loling in chat all the time. I thought you may have known this was MgS, but yo.
  3. The reality of the internet came to me here, because sparks is my boy and he could give a shit. Which means sparks continues to be my dude.
  4. Bah. My whole angle was always a creepy awkwardness of flattery. I just embarrassed everyone out of a restaurant today, don't try to say I'm unaware of me.
  5. God dammit I love you guys. Even ghostrek.
  6. At what point did saying you have amazing tits become detrimental to society. Women fucking love people enjoying their tits. I have sisters! I know this!
  7. Woah, those tits are amazing! (This is how you do this @ghostrek)
  8. She said she was going to give me a house tour and all she did was show me her toys.
  9. Everyone has been great. The progeny of my siblings are amazing people. My brother's girl is amazingly cute.
  10. To see my family. It's been great, this elderly lady has started sleeping with me, she's a cat, but we love each other. I guess the bird loves me too, but ugh. Flock animals. At least she knows I want nothing to do with her now. So many animals remember me, lol.
  11. I've been on that vacation I mentioned, got a lot of people around to give a lot of shit. And according to my niece who is five and seeing me for the second time, I fart rainbows. There's some hourglass idiot in this apartment complex I might have to fuck, the male to female ratio here is probably the same, we'll see. Unless I'm maudlin drunk you should usually assume I'm enjoying myself. And I got to a point I enjoyed working within the confines of moderation. We can go to DF but I doubt my tone would change much.
  12. Don't get too cocky Starfox, I am often doing other things while here and I would rather give scoob another notification about how much better than him I am than edit a post. I am the center of the universe here, you do not assess me.
  13. Godzilla should wear more dresses.
  14. I suppose you also need to consider the possibility that I'm far more attractive than you in multiple facets.
  15. You've encountered women that aren't? https://youtu.be/28gvMM8KXm4
  16. I'm happier that you didn't get this reference. Not sure why.
  17. This is how you do this @Doom Metal Alchemist. It's not complex and judging on your trying to explain away a bank teller helping me withdraw cash bouncing her tits as a way of somehow creating a situation where i tip or I'm upsold on a withdrawl transaction makes me think you have talked yourself away from a lot of pussy.
  18. You're the fan. How has life been, man?
  19. I suddenly want to listen to Dwight Yoakum.
  20. Do you tip your bank teller? I would say her smile was very enthusiastic. Unrestrained tits bouncing up and down half the time I'm talking to her. It was so brazen I was questioning if I was experiencing reality at that moment.
  21. I may take you up on that, gotta take a vacation real quick. Would I have to venom you the cash or some other pain in the ass thing?
  22. I like porters. There's a Russian one I really like, I think it's Baltjka? That Edmund Fitzgerald was phenomenal though. They forgot about my drink and the whole thing was a pain in the ass. I went to the bar and he told me the waitress had to bring it to me, and she forgot. So we're ready to get out and I've waited 20 minutes for this beer I want to down and bail and that first chug was absolutely delicious.
  23. Oh I know I did, but having the best beer I've ever had 100 floors up was a fun experience. There are times to be a skinflint and times to let that go.
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