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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. Lasty


    *adorns the decrepit skin of it's rotting corpse*
  2. Lasty


    quote trees were fun too...
  3. Lasty


  4. Lasty

    I love you...

  5. Quiet, you.
  6. but I love you from over here...
  7. Lasty


    crushrose DarksidexXx Your Mom StarPanda TrigunBebop lol remember these?
  8. Humans have ignored nature far too long... what was severed long ago will be reconnected...
  9. I can't tell if this is uplifting or depressing. Is it that you deserve those heels, or you caved? Both?
  10. Like a police station? If you live in a fascist dystopia, to the fascists you're a traitor. To everyone else you're a hero.
  11. I think... how do you wash a balloon? I didn't need this imagery...
  12. The premise is not entirely clear. If a ghost is watching me and I'm not afraid, how am I supposed to answer? You should have said "Would you be afraid to poop if a ghost were watching you?"
  13. Why would I be afraid of a ghost?
  14. I rub them on things to mark my territory.
  15. Both... ?
  16. The feels... for reals... XD
  17. I nearly got sucked into some higher dimension trying to get to sleep in the pitch dark after a big dab the other day. I need soft light...
  18. Lasty


    If it makes you feel better, I was trying to avoid quoting Star Trek, which is what popped into my head initially.
  19. Lasty


    Motherfucker, you have a good prosperous life. May fortune favor you, dickscab.
  20. SciShow does a pretty good job... There are certain subjects they shy away from, which is unfortunate...
  21. You gonna eat that puppy? >__> Wanna split it?
  22. What am I thinking of right now? o.o
  23. Tenchi Muyo: Ryo Ohki. In episode 14, they ruined it. I had never finished watching it from back when I was younger and they ruined it. Everything was... incorrect.
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